Meals II

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Everything was set.

Peter and MJ hatched out their plan and managed to get everything perfect for the next night.

Peter had called Tony and asked if he could do Peter and MJ a favour, when Tony found out what had happened, he agreed more times than he did when Peter explained the plan.

All that was left to do now was to wait for the next day...


Around 6pm, Peter arrived at MJ's apartment, wearing his suit. He knocked three times and a few moments later the door opened revealing MJ the otherside, dressed up in a beautiful dress and her hair in her natural curls which floated perfectly.

"Wow." Peter smiled.

"Thanks." MJ smiled. "Ready to go?"

"Uh- yeah." Peter said, snapping out of the small transe he'd been placed in.

By the time they arrived, they slowly walked inside. Everything was decorated and it seemed very 'Hollywood'. Most of New York must have arrived.

"Are you sure you still want to do this?" MJ asked Peter.

"Yes. Plus, I know you would have just stayed in tonight marking papers upon papers and wouldn't have given yourself a break until 1 in the morning and then watched some awful movie where you'd fall asleep on your couch and wake up with a sore neck and back since you fell asleep on your couch." Peter explained.

When they pair left Mid Town Tech when they were teens, they went to the same collage and spent mostly every weekend in each other's dorms and would end up falling asleep on the couch watching some awful movie which wouldn't ever make sense and had terrible acting. They'd both wake up with next morning, just able to move since they had fallen asleep on the couch in a very awkward position.

Just after they graduated, MJ got her job at MTT and every weekend, the only way Peter could escape the Avengers when it came to them being...loud as he called it when he was being nice. Mainly, it was just them arguing over what film to watch and by the time they decided which one, the weekend was almost over. Peter would stay with MJ. He'd help her mark papers from the school since for some reason she seemed to have three times as many papers as any other teacher and thankfully Peter was smart and could understand what he was marking.

They had maybe gotten half-way round when suddenly, MJ accidently bumped into someone.


"John? Annie?" MJ asked.

"My god, you look beautiful. Not like you don't always" John complemented.

"Agreed." Annie said.

"What are you guys doing here?" MJ asked.

"We actually got invited." Annie said, "I just want to say, I'm sorry, about yesterday. We were all excited to come and have a good time, but then Kirsty and Safina...they said if we didn't do as...well what we was instructed to do then..."

"They'd get rid of your jobs?" Peter asked, seeming to place to the dots together.

"Yeah, pretty much." Annie agreed. "We're so sorry MJ. If there is anything we can do to make it up to you -"

"No, it's okay. Thankyou for telling me the truth." MJ said. "Is Jenny here?"

"Yes, she's on the dance floor with Micheal. He's finally asked her out." Annie smiled.

The four of them looked towards the dancefloor and saw Jenny dancing with Micheal in the middle of the dancefloor.

"They look good together." Peter smiled.

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