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Pt. 3 - also requested

Peter couldn't move. From the moment Natasha had said "Yes", he'd just stayed silent. Knowing about it was something, but having confirmation? Having confirmation was an entirally different thing.

"We'll give you three a moment alone." Steve said, ushering Clint out of the room, leaving Peter, Natasha and Bucky alone.

Peter had gone his whole life without seeing his parents in a context he'd be able to remember. His adoptive parents died when he was only young, Ben - yet another father figure had been murdered, leaving only him and his aunt.

"I have to ask," Peter said finally. "Did you know? Did you know it was me who they'd adopted."

Natasha shook her head. "No. Not that it was you."

Peter took a small step back. "What happened to you...when I was taken away?"

Natasha looked towards Bucky before turning towards Peter. "I fought for you. Red Room, they cause us to believe that we're unfit to be mothers, that we should never have children. From when you were born, I knew you was never meant to be in there. But they had other idea's for you."

Peter stayed silent, allowing Natasha to continue. "They wanted to run tests. You'd been born of two of the most powerful assassin they'd know. I faught against them until they finally found a way to stop me."

That was when Peter looked towards Bucky. "They knocked you out, didn't they?"

"Trigger words." Bucky told him. "They had ways of shutting down the Winter Soldier. But they also had ways of shutting down me."

Peter nodded, still finding it unbelieveable. "Nothing has to change. Everything can stay the same. You can continue to work here and act like nothing was ever different. All we ever wanted to know was that you was safe." Bucky explained to him.

Peter nodded. He had two choices, either he could foget about it all, or he could finally have a mom and a dad to go to. But then, what about May?

"I- Can I think about it? This is all just very..."

"New?" Natasha asked, a smile coming to her lips.

Peter chuckled. "Yeah."

However, just as Peter was about to leave, his phone began to ring. Looking at the ID, he saw MJ's name come up. It was nearly 10 at night, and MJ never called unless she was worried.

Peter swiped across before he brought the phone to his ear. "MJ?"

"Peter? Peter, are you there?"

"Yeah, I'm here. What's up?"

Peter could hear shuffling on the other end of the phone before a small crash. "Are you okay? What's happening?"

"I'm fine." MJ said, finally pulling her shoe on. "Just, meet me at the hospital. Betty's getting rushed in. And hurry!"

"MJ? MJ- What's happen-" But MJ hung up.

"Is everything okay?" Natasha asked.

Peter was confused. "I - I need to go."

"I'll drive. Where do you need to get to?" Bucky said, rushing forward.

"The hospital."

20 minutes later, Peter quickly pushed open the car door and ran inside of the hospital. He rushed to the reception desk, asking where to find Betty Brant. The man gave him the room number and Peter thanked him before running down the hall. Natasha and Bucky were quick on his tail.

"MJ? MJ!? Are you- MJ!" Peter said, finally spotting her.

As he got closer, MJ ran towards him before nearly knocking him into next week as he hugged him.

"Is everything okay? Are you okay? What happened?" Peter asked.

"They said she fell down the stairs." MJ explained. "I'm listed as one of her contacts so they called me after she was taken way in the ambulance. She fell two flights and they couldn't wake her up. Her mom is on her way but they've said she stable."

"That's good. Have you called Ned?"

"He told me to keep him posted." MJ said.

That was when MJ noticed the two avengers stood behind Peter. MJ gave a slight cough causing Peter to turn around before explaining himself.

"Oh, erm, it's a bit of a long story-"

"I've got time."

Peter nodded, "Right. Well, how do I say this? They are my parents." Peter spoke slowly, trying to understand the words coming from his mouth. Words he never thought he'd say.

MJ nodded, looking the pair up and down which caused even them to feel a little under pressure. "Well, it explains a lot."

Peter turned towards MJ, feeling the need to give a nervous laugh. "What?"

"What?" MJ asked, "You have her fighting skills and his clumsy-ness. It makes sense."

"Okay." Peter said, nodding slowly.

That was when Betty's mom came running down the hall, fuled with many panicked questions which both the doctor and MJ managed to answer.

Later that night, as it came closer to one in the morning, Bucky was slowly falling asleep on Natasha's shoulder as they sat across from MJ and Peter.

"You should go with them." MJ whispered to Peter.


"You should go with them." She repeated.

"What are you talking about?" Peter asked her, rather confused.

MJ sighed, "They love you, Peter. They've spent their lives looking for you and I know you've been looking for them. You deserve to be with them. Both you and May."

Peter stayed silent and sighed. He knew she was right. "Mary and Richard will always be your mom and dad, but right now - right now you have your parents infront of you who are more than ready to take up that role. They love you, Peter. Don't let that slip away."

Peter turned to MJ, a small smirk on his face. "Since when did you become the know-it-all?"

"The day May came to me asking to patch your wounds." MJ deadpanned. "But it's the truth, Peter. Don't let something like that slip away."

Peter knew she was right. She was always right. And he knew what she was saying was true...

As the months passed, Peter grew closer to Natasha and Bucky and eventually started calling them 'Mom' and 'Dad'. It felt a little weird at first, esspecially since it had slipped out when they were making breakfast one morning and everyone went silent causing Peter to panic since he hadn't realised what he'd said himself.

May and Natasha exchanged photo's and memories of Peter, which only caused him to want the ground to swallow him up. Peter also became more weary when he was out on patrol once Natasha became aware that he was infact Spider-Man. Bucky taught him how to fight a little, as did Natasha.

However, the embarrassment came much later when Peter finally plucked up the courage to ask MJ out on a date and she said, "Yes." - Clint had somehow been present at the moment he asked her, even though no-one could see him. And with that information, told the whole team including May so by the time it came to him trying to act casual about 'going for a walk', both Natasha and May stood outside the compound when MJ had met him, even though he was going to pick her up.

Peter had rushed over to MJ, hurrying them both up before the entire team came out with camera's taking photo's.

Though Friday would never tell, she stored the footage in a small file ready to show Peter or MJ when they were older, but until then, she'd keep it a secret. Just like she had done for the others.

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