Break Up

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Wanda and Bucky broke up 6 months ago.

Sam had watched two of his bestfriends dance around one another for months now. Neither of them said why they'd broken up, but they told the team, or rather...Bucky told the team. Wanda had taken a very long walk that morning, not returning until the next day.

She had text Natasha telling her she was going to stay at a hotel for the night since she couldn't face coming back, at least for the night.

Neither of them had gone on another date yet. Wanda had been asked by one of the collouges at Shield, but she had politely turned them down which they took gracefully.

However, after a LOT of deliberation, a woman who worked at a small cafe that Bucky had walked to one morning, around a wekk or so after he and Wanda had broke up, he finally accepted her offer of going on a date. Six months was better late than never, right?

"Who is she again?" Sam asked Bucky.

"Sarah. She works at one of the coffee shops in town." Bucky told him.

"And have you told her?" Sam asked him, manouvering himself to lean the front of his body against the back of the couch.

"Told who?"

Sam rolled his eyes. "Wanda."

Bucky gave a sad look and lowered his shoulder, feeling a pull in his heart. "No." He said quietly. "Should I have done?"

"Maybe? I mean, you did date for nearly 4 years before calling it quits - what was that about by the way?"

"That's between Wanda and I."

Sam rolled his eyes before facing the TV once again before Bucky left to go out on his date. Once the others got back from training and meetings, since they had nothing else to do, Bruce decided to pull out pictionary.

"Hand! Waving?!" Were some of the thing being shouted out. "Plane!?"

"Time!" Shouted Natasha and Clint rolled his eyes.

"Bye. Bye. Birdie!" Clint said, pointing to the bored. "How could you not get that?"

"That's a bird. It looks like a plane." Sam laughed.

Clint sighed and sat down, "Wanda?"

Wanda looked up and shook her head. "No, I'm okay. Let Nat take my place."

"Where are you going?" Clint asked her as she stood up and grabbed her coat.

"Just for a walk. I need some fresh air."

They all looked between one another before Clint looked back to her. "Okay, well...stay safe."

Wanda gave a small nod and smiled. "I will. Text me if you need anything - and it did look like a plane."

Quickly, Wanda left as Natasha slowly stood up, taking the pen from Clint. She looked at the smal piece of paper before nodding and crupling it up, beginning to draw.

Meanwhile, Wanda began to walk throughout the city. The last time she'd been out this late walking was when...when she and Bucky broke up. She'd walked into a nearby coffee shop, picking up a hot drink. By the time she made her way to Central Park, she'd finished her drink and place the cup in the recyling bin.

But, as she walked down the pathway through the park, she could hear a familiar laugh. She looked over to a small pond and its bridge and that was when she saw who she thought it was.

Watching them, she could feel a pull on her heart strings as if they'd been cut and her heart dropped to the bottom of her stomach. She watched them for a minute or two before feeling herself turn and quickly walk the other way.

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