What are you doing?

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Lila continued to follow Peter and the rest of his class almost the entire way around the building. She'd asked a random student, one that wouldn't know her and asking where they were going next. Once she found out, Lila thanked her before just about going to follow on once more until her brothers came out of the shadows.

"Li, what are you doing?" Nate asked her.

"Following Peter and his class. There's a boy, I don't trust him."

Cooper furrowed his brows. "Why? What happened?"

"He tried to hit on me but then when Peter came over, he started talking to him about something. About something that just because he 'works' here, it doesn't change anything. Peter said it was just typical highschool things, so nothing uncommon. Still, I don't have a good feeling about him."

"Where are they going next?" Cooper asked.

"Archery." Lila smirked. "A couple of the interns who train for sheild are going to be teaching them a couple of skills."

Cooper smiled, him and Nathan looking towards one another. "Don't blow this, alright? I know what you two are like."

"And we know what you're like." Nathan said, folding his arms. "If I remember correctly, didn't you nearly kill one of our neighbours with one of your arrows?"

"Hey, that was his fault. He was tresspassing. I thought it was an intruder."

Nate and Cooper rolled their eyes. "You need help?"

"You could do a few things for me."

Lila explained what she needed them to do in order to ensure, if anything more than what wasn't commonly found within a highschool setting would be caught, they'd have multiple witnesses that couldn't be bribed out of speaking the truth and they'd have all the footage.

The three siblings all went different ways. Lila finding her way the the Archery station before Peter and Harley's group go there.

She already had her station set up since that was where she'd been practicing practically all day. She found a few more set up beside hers, thankfully noticing the names on the lables for who would be on each station.

Peter, MJ, Betty and Ned were next to Lila's, meanwhile, that Flash kid and three others who must be his 'friends' were on the station just to the right of Peter's.

Another 5 minutes passed before MTT came inside. They had been getting a full run down on safety.

By the time everything and everyone was set up, Lila kept her focus on her own station, essentially hitting every arrow in the bull.

Ned nudged Peter causing him to look up and towards Lila. He already knew how deadly she could be with a bow and arrow. He also knew who'd taught her. Everyone was shocked in how good she was since they didn't actually know who she was, or who had trained her. Other than Peter and the interns that was.

When it came to Peter's turn, he placed the arm gaurd before picking up and arrow and placing it in the bow. A few of the trainee interns were helping others. Peter pulled the bow up before aiming it towards the target. He'd done this a couple of times with Clint so he knew the basics.

Peter managed to hit the outer red circle before he heard Lila speak. "Ooh, so close."

Peter chuckled, turning towards her. "I'm just glad to not be stood on the other end."

"Don't tell me you've still not forgiven me for that?" Lila questioned with a laugh.

Peter tried to hold back a smile. "You nearly shot me! If you hadn't of shouted I could be dead right now."

"Oh, you would have had a minor bleed. You would have healed...eventually." Lila said.

That was when they heard an arrow hit another board, turning their heads, they saw Flash at the stand, his arrow in the very outer shell.

"Hey, Penis! How about you shut up and let me concentrate. I could have hit bull then if it wasn't for your talking!"

Lila took in a breath. If Peter wasn't between them, she would eaisly have pointed her own arrow towards his chest. No matter what subject, she hated bullying. Even if Peter said it didn't bother him, she still hated it. They was never any need for it, so why someone would do it completly baffled her. If they were that bored, why don't they just...take a walk, or watch a movie. Don't start picking on someone because you can't think of anything else better to do with your time.

"It aint his talking that's knocking you off." Lila said, just lound enough.

Peter internally groaned. "Oh here we go."

"I'm sorry?" Flash stated, looking past Peter.

Lila lowered her bow to her side, an arrow in her other hand, ready to be loaded. "I said it's not his talking that's knocking you off. You're just a shit archer."

"Really? And what would someone like you know about that, huh? You may look the part but you don't look like you've got a brain cell to shoot."

Peter saw a look of fury in Lila's eyes. "Li." Peter warned, but in a worried tone.

As quick as a bolt of lightning, Lila loaded her weapon and aimed her arrow. Letting go of the string, her arrow landed right in the centre of Flash's board with a bang! Flash flinched as it did so.

He flinched even more and Lila walked closer. Peter tired to stop her since he knew how powerful she actually was since he'd sparred with her a couple of times over the last few years. Lila simply lowered Peter's arm, not even looking towards him.

Lila came face to face with Flash. "I don't know who you think you are. I don't care about who you think you are. But if you ever open your mouth and say something that isn't atleast humanly kind, you won't be able to speak for the next year or more. Understood? On that note, if I ever catch you bullying anyone here or anywhere for that matter, you won't even be able beg for mercy. I suggest you take this - and that -" She said, pointing towards the arrow in his board. "as a warning."

Lila said no more and walked back to her station, picking up the rest of her arrows. Mr Harrington tried to diffuse the situation by, "There's nothing more to see. Carry on with your activities."

That was when Peter and Harley looked towards one another. They didn't even have to speak to know what the other was thinking. Peter just hoped that Lila wouldn't get herself into too much bother over threatening Flash, even if he did deserve it. Lila was like Natasha, just just in a 15 year old body. Whether that was more terrifying, one thing was for sure.

No-one would ever try and cross Lila. Ever. She's deadly enough, and that's without the training from the rest of the team and Shield.

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