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Warning: Mature themes.

When Peter fell asleep last night, even for the last minute of his life, he never would have thought that he would wake up to the Avengers stood around his bed.

Slowly, Peter opened his eyes before giving a yell, "Argh!" He managed to sit up slightly as he did yell, but his heart was slowly coming down from the burst of adrenaline.

"What the hell!" Peter shouted, not expecting Tony, Clint, Steve, Natasha, Steve, Sam and Bucky all staring at him whilst he slept, meanwhile Wanda and Bruce stood at the door.

"When was you going to tell us?" Natasha asked.

"Tell you what?" Peter asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Oh, I don't know! Maybe the fact you've got a girlfriend?" Bucky question, suddenly placing his hands on his hips. Peter groaned to himself. "Not another Rogers, please not another Rogers."

"What have I told you about keeping secrets from us?" Tony told him.

Peter stood up on his bed, clearly having no other escape that the bottom of his bed. "My love life does not come under that."

"I believe it does." Clint said.

"You do realise I am nearly 20 and the only reason why I don't have my own apartment, or even live on campus is because, not only Fury, but every single one of you insisted I had to say. Going as far as to make sure Fury said I stayed at the compound." Peter told them.

"And your point is?" Natasha asked.

Peter nodded, walking to the end of his bed before hopping off. "I'm allowed to have secrets, okay? If I want to tell you, I will tell you."

"Where do you think you think you're going?" Sam asked.

"To the bathroom to get changed since you're all gonna stand round my bed like creepers." Peter said, picking up his fresh clothes and closing his bathroom door.

Bucky walked over ready to ask more questions, but Peter beat him to it, pulling open the door just far enough from him to look out off. "And, no, I am not answering any questions based on my sex life neither. And I do not need the talk, okay? I had a very prominent biology lesson that has now scarred me for life."

Peter then closed the door, locking it behind him before they all came raiding his bathroom too. Meanwhile, on the other side of the door, Bruce stood behind Wanda whilst the others all looked towards the bathroom door. "Okay! But when you get out of there, you're answering questions mister!" Bucky shouted through the door.

"No, we're not!" Peter shouted back.

Wanda just sighed with a "I know I'm right" smile. "I told you he wouldn't talk."

"Oh he will!" Bucky shouted loud enough so Peter could hear him.

"No I won't! I have to have at least a little privacy!"

Bruce gave a slight nod. "I'm with Wanda on this one. Peter's not had a normal life as it is, and you kinda forced him to live in the compound throughout college."

"Only because we know what he's like with hiding wounds." Natasha said.

"Yes," Bruce agreed. "But, he is nearly 20 and in his second year of University. Right now, he should be with friends in the middle of a library, trying to figure out how he's meant to stay awake for the test he's gonna have in his class. Not, hiding in the bathroom from the Avengers who are trying to ask about his sex life."

Wanda crossed her arms. "He's right. How did you even find out about the relationship anyway?"

At this point, Peter came out of the bathroom, holding onto his pajamas before placing them over his desk chair. "I'll tell you how." Peter grabbed his bag, filled with college papers and books, slinging it over his shoulder. "Clint got curious because he wanted to know the real reason why I had two coffee's in my hand when walking through Central Park to a bench where I was waiting, so, he used his puppy eyes to draw Romanoff into it. She then, obviously told Rogers, who can't hold a secret from Bucky to save his life. So then, Bucky told Sam and all together, you teamed up to try and tell Mr Stark, and with Wanda being with Bruce all morning for yearly medical examination, they overheard Mr Stark yelling."

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