Christmas Voulenteering

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Christmas in July Season! Is it okay to be listening to Xmas Music so much in July?? 😂


Just like every year, both May and Peter would vounlenteer at the local Christmas Tree Farm.

"Daddy, when are we going to get our christmas tree?" Morgan asked her father.

For the past two weeks, Morgan had possibly been more excited for Christmas more than Tony was.

"I don't know, it's up to your mom."

Morgan practically jumped up from her chair and ran into the kitchen where Pepper was stood cutting up some veg.

"Mommy, when can we get our christmas tree?"

Pepper smiled down to the young child. "How about this? If you get all of your homework done by dinner, we can go and get one tomorrow."

Morgan beamed with joy. "Okay! Daddy!"

Morgan's voice trailed off as she went to tell her dad the plan of the christmas tree.

The next day, Tony had called Natasha and some of the others to come with them since the compound needed decorating too.

It was around 4pm when they decided to head out and get their tree since they'd have more space to move around and see what kind of trees there were.

"Why don't we just go out to the forest and chop one down? Wouldn't it just be easier?" Clint asked.

Clint was use to chopping down his own tree which would come from the small land he owned within his own local forest.

Natasha looked back at Clint.

"You know why we don't do that."

A couple of years ago, Natasha and Steve placed their faith in Bucky, Sam and Clint. They knew it was a risky idea however they hopped they'd be able to trust them.

It seemed their original gut instict was right because once the trio brought the tree back, they had just set it up when a rustling came from inside.

They hadn't checked the tree for any animals.

"It was an honest mistake!" Clint said.

Morgan gave a small laugh at Clint before running over to the enterance of the tree farm.

Around 20 minutes later, they was all walking around tree farm, trying to find the best trees. They handn't found the perfect one as of yet, so it meant it would take longer to pick one out.

"Thankyou, have a nice day." Tony heard a familar voice.

Tony looked around and it seems Morgan had heard the voice too because when she turned her head, she saw Peter stood by a table, handing over the money to a blonde haired woman.

"Peter!" Morgan yelled with a smile before running over.

Peter turned his head and saw who was running towards him. He scooped her up in his arms, her hands landing on his shoulders.

"Hey," He laughed, "You okay?" He asked her.

She gave a huge nod. "Yes. We're picking out our christmas tree. What are you doing here?"

Peter smiled, "I'm voulenteering. I help people pick out their christmas trees."

"Can you help us? I'd do it, but Uncle Sam and Bucky can't agree on a tree." She said, whispering the last part of the sentence.

"Sure." He whispered, with a smile.

Tony and the others walked over, watching as the two interacted with one another. Tony couldn't help but smile. Peter, in all honesty, was more like a big brother to Morgan.

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