Telling the Folks

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Requested by coffee_addict2005
Part 2 of Slow Dancing - teams reactions to the news

Enjoy! <3

Wanda was now at the beginning of her second trimester. Up to now, her and Peter had managed to hide everything baby related from the team.

Clint and Tony never really questioned why Peter was looking for books on pregnancy and babies - Peter managed to blag his way through it by saying to was for some Betty since they already knew her and Ned were thinking about trying for a baby.

Peter managed to get hold of Betty and tell her everything what was happening so there wouldn't be a slip up and the team wouldn't know before Peter and Wanda told them.

Wanda had managed to hide her bump since she wore either baggier clothes, or held things infront of her whilst talking to someone.

Peter had finished the crib for the baby and they had everything set up in the nursery. Since everyone had their own level with a spare bedroom, bathroom and smaller kitchen, it wasn't that hard to keep the nursery from the team.

The pair had already gone to the hospital for the scan and everything was perfectly healthy for both baby and mother. It was after that they decided that they better tell the team about their little, Spiderwitch before it was too late and they were at 9 months with Wanda's water breaking with the others, (mainly Clint and Tony) fainting.

"What about this Saturday?" Wanda offered as she walked round, sitting next to Peter as he read another baby book.

"Are you sure?" Peter asked.

Wanda nodded. "Yes, they deserve to know since I'll be giving birth in 5 months." Peter smiled with a small laugh.

Peter placed his arm around her as she sat down, kissing the side of her head before looking back at the book. "You know, our baby is only this big. This is our baby." Peter said, holding up 6 inches between his fingers.

Wanda smiled. "You're cute.". She kissed Peter before she took the book from his hands, flicking through it herself.

Over the week, Peter and Wanda came up with every senario they could as to prepare themselves for how the team would react. They thought of everything from them shouting, to them being happy, to them saying nothing, to them possibly already knowing to even them not reacting at all.

However, the way the team did react, was one they least expecting.

That Saturday, before they began the weekly argument of what movie they were going to watch and what place they were going to order from, both Peter and Wanda sat them down.

"What's going on?" Sam asked, looking around confused.

"Wanda and I have some news." Peter started off before looking towards Wanda.

"We've known for a while but we wanted to keep it to ourselves, just to be safe incase something was to happen."

"But nothing has." Peter quickly added.

Clint smiled. "Just tell us. Ooh!" Clint shouted out. "Is Betty pregnant? Oh, she is isn't she?"

Natasha nudged Clint, shutting him up. Both Peter and Wanda gave a half smile. "No..."

Before either of them could say anything, Wanda shook her head. "Okay, lets just try this a different way."

Without a second thought, Wanda pulled out a small box from her pocket before walking over and placing it on the coffee table behind Natasha. She walked back over to Peter, his arm going around her. "Just, open it."

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