Can't just show up!

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It had been years since Peter had seen his parents. Not long before he graduated, Peter woke up one morning to find a note on the kitchen counter. Although, he hadn't spotted it until he got home since he had been running late for school that morning.

He'd tried checking Friday's tracker and every other platform of social media, but nothing. Both Iron-Man and Doctor Strange had up and left, leaving behind their son and their family.

By the time Peter found the note, it was too late. It was too late that morning anyway, but now he was too too late.

Why they had left? They never said. Steve and Peggy instantly came round once they found out, as did Natasha and Clint...once they got back from their mission, only finding out from Laura.

But one person above all was furious, that person being MJ. She'd seen and heard of everything Peter had gone through. Lost both his biological parents and both aunt and uncle before he turned 8. Then got bit when he was 14. He got hurt almost every other week and now his parents has left?!

It had been that night when he found the note that he went to find MJ. Steve and Peggy had told him they would stay, but through the forced back tears, he told them that he was going to head out for a while. That he needed to...breathe?

"Okay." Peggy sighed. "Just call us if you need us."

"I will." Peter nodded. "And thank you, for coming."

"You're okay, Peter." Steve told him. "We'll try and find them while you're out. Just...don't go too far."

"I won't." Peter said with a forced smile.

He didn't even realise where he was going until he got outside MJ's house. He knocked on her door three times before he heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Not even 10 seconds after that was when the door opened.

"Peter?" MJ questioned, not expecting him. "What are you doing here? I thought it was weekly game night at the Stark-Strange household?"

Peter could feel his hands shaking. "Well...erm-" His voice broke slightly. "They...Not tonight it's not."

As MJ read his face and his body language, she instantly hugged him without thinking. Even though at school she wasn't one for being comforting? She knew when people were hurt.

"Are you hugging me?" Peter questioned.

"Just thought you needed one." MJ said, a small smile on her lips before she felt Peter hold her tighter. "You want to talk about it? I--I know I'm not the best, but I can try?"

"Can we just stay like this a little longer?"

MJ nodded softly. "Yeah."

A few hours later, as the pair were sat down, MJ making him some tea since it was what usually calmed her down. Peter told her everything about what he knew and how he found out.

"Steve and Peggy are looking for them but..."

"But?" MJ asked, already having a feeling she knew what he was going to say.

"They left for a reason, MJ. If they wanted to take me with them, they would have. And I know it's not a mission." Peter told her. "They've completly wiped Friday of any memory of conversations or moments in the last few weeks or so. Fury's more pissed than ever. I just..."

"Peter, they wouldn't have left because of you. They love you. You're their son."

Peter gave a weak smile. "You'd think they'd tell their son if they was planning on leaving?"

As the pair looked in one another's eyes, it was like they was having a telepathic conversation. They both knew deep down that Tony and Stephen had left and they wouldn't be back any time soon and that they hadn't been kidnapped or sent on a mission. They'd simply...left.

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