What If?

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Basically, Tony is snapped away with half of the team. Peter was 20 when they got snapped. He was dating MJ at the time, but when they finally get back, they come to learn how everyone coped back on Earth. p.s Nat didn't die.

What if everything, anything, and everyone who you once knew just...left. Disappeared. Vanished. Gone. All within a matter of seconds. How would that feel?


Peter knew this feeling. How...complicated and...confusing it is to loose the people closest to you without having any idea on how to bring them back when the can be brought back.

5 years had passed since Tony, Cap, Jane, Thor, Groot, Rocket, T'Challa, Pepper, May and essentially the rest of the population, leaving just half of the people back on Earth.

Peter tried his best to live his life. Him and MJ moving into the compound since they both knew Peter wouldn't leave until he could solve how to get everyone back. They tried their best. Natasha and Peter mainly stayed put in the lounge trying to go through every single one of Bruce's and Tony's papers, Nat understood some of it, but Peter understood more.

MJ managed to hunt through boxes of files, finding the important ones. She knew what they were looking for, and they would need all the help they could get, however, after a year and half, Shield, or rather, what was left, had it undercontrol. Peter and Natasha needed to be there to help the rest of the Avengers and the world.

Thankfully, 5 years on, they got everyone back.

Peter had been tinkering with a machine for a while, but it was a dead end. He'd been trying to get it to work, but as he left it that night, a certain someone must have snuck in, pressing a buttons before leaving, however before she did, a large flash came behind her. To put it simply, she got everyone back.

Slowly coming round, some of the few Avengers groaned before standing up, completely confused and concered on how they were in the...compound?

"We're back? We're...back. We're back!"

However, as they all stood round, still slightly confused, a squeek came from Tony's lips.

"Cap. Cap. Cap. Steve!" Tony said, hitting Steve on his arm.

"What Tony? Oh my god!"

That was when, Tony, Cap, Bruce, Pepper, Jane and Thor all stood still, looking down at the short human who was dressed in pink pajama bottoms, however, rather than a matching top, wore a baseball top, that was perhaps a one size too big. Clearly looking like a shirt that was more of a safety blanket for how comfy she looked in it.

She stood, looking wide-eyed up at all the adults who seemed to be more scared of her than they was against something like Ultron.

"It's...a child." Thor said, slowly and confused.

Jane looked around, clearing her throat before stepping forward. Clearly her throat again slightly, she bent down. "Hello."

"Hello." The child replied.

"Do...Do you know how we got back?" Jane asked her.

The girl simply pointed to the desk behind Jane.

Jane gave a warm smile. "I see. Might I ask you're name?"


"It's very nice to meet you Hallie, I'm Jane."

Hallie smiled. "You're Thor's girlfriend."

Jane blushed. "Ye-yeah. How'd you know that?"

"My daddy told me."

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