Fight Like A Girl

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When Captain America and Agent Carter were first found in the ice, the last thing they truly expected to happen was to have them fighting side by side once more.

They believed them to both be dead but somehow - somehow being completely unexplainable, even for Tony - Carter and Rogers were both found with pulses and warming skin.

Peggy took it a little better than Steve did - but not by much. Both of them were stunned to say the least and the best they had to go off was the fact that somehow they had survived.

It took a few years but they both eventually came around to the new world. They missed their era but at least they had good antibiotics now, and they didn't have to boil everything.

Only, as time went on, one thing didn't seem to change.

The fact that people believed Agent Peggy Carter was trained by Steven Rogers. And not the other way around.

It had been an early morning that day when each Avenger was dragged from their warm beds and into the cold facility of S.H.I.E.L.D to complete some more training programs.

Even after people like Loki, Ultron and Thanos - they still had to complete training programs.

Tony was up first - he did okay, like usual, he had the suit; next was Barton, then Romanoff, Barnes, Wilson, Hill - even Pepper had her go - Parker, Rogers, Carter and then Banner.

Only, as Steve came out of his training room and Peggy went in, following the trainer's orders, Clint and Tony couldn't help but notice something.

"Hey, Cap, she fights like you!" Clint announced.

And without a beat, Steve replied; "You mean, I fight like her."

This - for some odd and unknown reason - seemed to stun everyone. Well, everyone other than Bucky. He'd lived to see it. Every painful and even slightly humiliating moment of it (mostly the humiliation came when Steve got tangled in the ropes).


Laying down his drawing pad, Steve stood up and walked over to the window watching his wife get top scores at everything she was doing.

"Yeah, Peggy was the one that trained me." Steve smiled, remembering what it had been like. "She taught me everything I know. Other parts came from the experience like watching my footing, but every training session - it was Peggy."

"Hey, I was there too." Bucky added.

"Yeah, only to laugh and watch as I completely failed."

"S'not my fault you didn't know your own strength." Bucky told him before turning to the rest of the team. "He was sparring with one of the Howling Commando's at one of the army bases - still hadn't gotten use to the fact he'd grown tripple his scrawny size-"

"I wasn't scrawny." Steve interjected.

"Steve, I've see the pictures." Sam told him. "You were scrawny."

"Anyway," Bucky said, getting back on course, "he'd grown three times his size and ended up knocking Dugan out for three days."

"Telling people about Dugan's coma?" Peggy asked, the door opening beside the wall-sized window, a gleaming smile on her face.

"It wasn't a coma - he was just...sleeping."

"Oh, it's okay." Peggy smiled, bringing her hand behind her husband's head before pulling him in for a quick kiss, "He was quite proud of you. He told everyone at the SSR about it - pitty he said it whilst he was at the bar."

"Is that why Jerry's brother came up to ask me if I could punch him?"


"And did you?" Tony asked.

"Did I what?"

"Did you punch his lights out, Rogers?"

Steve shook his head. "No. I just thought he was drunk - Bucky did though."

"You did what?" Natasha asked him.

"What?" Bucky asked. "The guy was bugging me. Kept asking if I could ask Steve to knock him out - so I did him a favour, I did it myself. He was out-cold for about 12 hours on the bar floor. Jerry decided just to pull him behind the bar and keep him sleeping until the place closed up for the night."


Bucky looked to Peter and nodded. "Yeah. I think he even woke up at one point and one of the bar-maids dropped a pint on his head."

"On accident or...?"

"On purpose." Peggy answered.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2022 ⏰

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