Where We Are Now

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It was unbelivable. How, even after everything, they were still here. Still moving, still alive and kicking.

Less than a month ago, they had been sat watching the news, wating on word whether they had lived or not. And now, here they lay, side by side, as if there wasn't a care in the world.

With an exasperated sigh, Peter flopped down on the bed beside his wife, MJ. There was a pile of laundry still to be folded and put away, but that could wait.

"Stairs?" MJ asked, looking to him from her book. Her, too, taking a break from all the house work that needed doing.

Peter nodded, the back of his hands now on his forehead, his eyes close to closing. "Uh-huh. Why did we buy this house again?"

"Because it's in a safe neighbourhood and it was the only building that was worth it's money." MJ told him.

Peter gave a small smile, remembering what it was like when they first moved in. How they had both decorated and built the place from the ground up. They wanted a project they could make their own, for themselves and their own family one day.

Moving up the bed, Peter lay his head closer to MJ's, the light streaming in making some of the polen particles dance in the air.

Peter was glad for the sun and the warm weather but he wouldn't miss pollen season.

"Do you remember what it was like when we first moved in?" Peter asked MJ.

"Yeah." MJ smiled, laying her book down, "Clint broke his leg didn't he?"

"Oh, my god. I completely forgot about that."

It was day three of moving in and Peter and MJ were still stripping the walls of its old wallpaper and paint. Everyday they questioned why was it this house, but then they would both look around and could see it, as if the place was already finished. It would be their home. Nobody elses. Just...their's.

After finding out the project had begun, both Clint, Bucky and Sam decided to help out. The entire team was told to take a long vacation since was both physically and mentally needed. And what was better than taking a sledge hammer to an old wall that neither of the couple wanted anymore.

"Have you thought of names?" Sam asked.

"Names?" Peter questioned.

"You know? For the house?" Sam told him. "You've got to name your house."

"Pick it yourself, Peter." Bucky warned. "Or else he'll choose it and it'll be names something like...Martha or Bertha or something like that."

"Why? Is that what he named yours?" MJ asked, scrubbing down some more of the old wallpaper.

At the mention, Bucky went shy and embarrassed whilst Sam's face lit up. "Go on, tell them. Tell them what I've named your place."

"No. Nope. It never needs to be mentioned."

Peter and MJ, from connecting walls, smiled at one another before turning to Bucky. "Come on. Tell us. Please."

"Pretty please."

Bucky first mumbled under his breath. Sam came a little closer. "What?"


Both Sam, Peter and MJ gave a laugh. "DO you wanna tell they why?"

"It was the name of my very first girlfriend."

"I can't imagine you dating a Gretchen." MJ said after they'd finally calmed down laughing. It wasn't so much the name, as it was Sam's piss-take of Bucky being 14 and falling in love with the girl across the street who's name not only came from her mother, but her grandmother, great-grandmother, great-great grandmother and so on.

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