The Kid.

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It was around 10 am the next morning when someone stepped inside the same apartment block Peter lived in.

Meanwhile, inside the apartment, Peter was sat on the couch, looking back through some old photos of when he was younger. One's of his family and some of his friends.

MJ had stayed again last night. She knew what it was like to loose a parent herself. Her mother had died when she was young and she rarley saw her father anyway since he was working away in Chicago, or Austrailia, or practically anywhere that meant he didn't have to speak to her.

MJ walked out of the room in her pj's and one of Peter's hoodies, something that had both grown acostom to over the past few weeks, but Peter didn't mind. She looked cute in them anyway...

That was another thing. As they had spent more time with one another, the small gimics the pair would share or the small glances or even the longing looks of love, they had grown stronger and stronger.

"Have you heard off Betty today?" MJ asked.

"No, why?" Peter asked.

"She said she was going to call you."

Peter stood up, walking into the kitchen. "About what?"

MJ shrugged her shoulder. "I don't know, you should ask her."

Peter gave a small - slightly fake- laugh. "Haha, very funny."

Pouring some coffee for MJ before handing it over to her, the pair turned around as they heard a not so familiar knock on the door.

"Who's that?" The pair asked similtainiously.

Peter walked over to the door, slowly turning the handle. However, when he pulled the door open, the people stood infront of him made him stop breathing.

"Look, Mommy, I told you it was him." A young girl called out as she sat in the arms of...Tony...Stark.

Peter just stood their flabbergasted. "I...What...Who...MJ!"

MJ walked over and found herself shocked to find THE AVENGERS! Stood at Peter's door.

"Right okay, I'm cold, I'm coming in." Whined Barton as he walked past Peter and into his apartment.

"Clint- Oh for - Sorry about him." Steve apologised.

Peter shook his head, snapping out of his confusion for a short moment. "No - No, come in...?"

They thanked him and walked inside. As Peter closed the door, MJ stood behind him slightly wondering what on earth was going on.

"Why are they...?"

Peter shrugged. "You know more than me."

"No I don't."

"Okay, fair enough." Peter thought for a second. "Do you think this is Betty's way of getting back at me for being late to the presentation?"

"How am I supposed to know. Go. Talk to them."

"And say what?"

However, the teens conversation got cut short as Natasha was walking round, looking at some of the photos. "You have a lovely home."

"I- Erh, Thanks."

Peter walked forward cautiously. "What. What. What're you doing here...exactly?"

"We came to thank you, in a sense." Tony said, walking around aimlessly.

Peter gave a nervous laugh. "For. For what?"

"For jumping into a burning building and saving Morgan, which we are very greatful for, by the way."

"I- You're welcome." Peter said, with slight confusion before it clicked in his mind. Morgan...she was - oh god. Peter felt faint.

"Can - Can I ask how you knew where I lived?" Peter asked.

"Well, with some searching after reading through your science book that you had left behind at the diner, we sent little Natalie here." Tony said, gaining a glare from Natasha that would kill him. "to find out about you. And when we did, I sent you a letter asking you to come in for an interview, yesterday, might I add. And why someone wouldn't show up is beyond me I mean-"

"Tony." Pepper said, cutting him off.

"Right. Sorry. Anyway, when you didn't turn up, I had Romanoff hack into you're school's filing system and find you're address. Thankfully, we knew where you went to school since she-"

"Asked about her daughter." Peter said, connecting the dots.


"Isn't that against the law?" MJ questioned. "You know, uncovering someone's private information, finding out where they live, keeping tabs on the for weeks on end?"

Tony paused, the kid was right. "Back to the letter thing." Tony said, changing the subject.

"Why'd you never get back?"

Peter stopped. "Because I never opened the letter."

"Why not?"

Peter took in a breath. "That's private."

Pepper, thankfully, interjected into the awkward conversation. "What we're trying to say is thankyou for saving Morgan. We don't know what we would have done if she'd been hurt."

Peter smiled. "Happy to help."

"Although, I have to exactly did you get her out?"

Peter gave a small panic. "I-Uh. That's private, again."

"Well, however you got her out, thankyou. And as an extra thankyou, we want to invite you and your girlfriend here to come to a christmas gathering at the compound, and don't worry, as teens you're very welcome to stick in a corner and not socialise at all."

Both Peter and MJ went eye-wide at Pepper's sentence.

"I-She's not - I'm not - We're not - We're not dating."

Natasha smiled. "Really? Never would have thought that."

That was when Steve raised an eyebrow. He'd looked round and not a single adult was home.

"You - You do live with an adult, right?"

Peter felt more panic rushing through his veins, but thankfully, MJ came to his rescue. Practically jumping to his side, she place a hand on his shoulder, his own hand holding onto her's. "Yes, but she won't be home until tonight. She left early this morning, probably to face the Christmas rush."

"Oh, Okay?"

That was when Bruce stepped forward. "If. If you don't mind me asking, but how did you solve those equations? I mean, it even took Tony atleast a month before understanding them."

"Oh, I- I've ready you're books since I was 6. My dad introduced me to them one night because I was bugging my mom" Peter explained.

"Really?" Tony questioned, shocked.

Peter nodded. "If you don't believe me, you can look in the books on the shelf. I'm surprised. For someone of you're...intilect, you didn't notice them before."

Natasha gave a smirk. "I believe you've just been called out, Stark."

"Oh, shut up."

After Tony pulled a few of the books out, he found Peter's name and dates inside the books. One's age 5, 6, 7, 8 and further on.

"Well, before Natasha starts planning her revenge on me, I suggest we get going. And, I hope to see you tomorrow. You have an interview at 3pm sharp. Don't be late."

With that, they all soon left leaving both MJ and Peter astonished. This was definatly a 'holiday' they wouldn't forget.

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