Suprise Visitor

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The pair of them had been in the training room for a while. Peter and MJ had been training with one another for around 8 months since MJ finally agreed to join Shield. She'd been weary at first, but once she finished college, she agreed.

Since she was stronger than most of the other agents had realised, Natasha and Fury decided to have her team with Peter. They knew one another pretty well and could handle one another when it came to fighting.

As MJ finally managed to flip Peter onto his back, he gave out a painful laugh. "Ow, you're crushing my spleen."

MJ smirked before getting ready to stand up. "You don't even know where your sleen is."

As she helped him up, Peter felt his senses highten. "What? What is it?" MJ asked him. Letting go of MJ's hand as she helped him up, he turned and looked round.

"Someone's here." Peter told her. Just as he did, alarms began to sound and ring throughout the training room.

"Who is it?" MJ asked.

"I'm guessing we're about to find out."

Swiftly, the pair left the training room and ran towards the lift. A few moments later, they came to the second floor loby, running down the metal caged stairs and through the open training room before heading towards the door. That was when they met with Clint.

"Barton!" Peter shouted over, "What's going on?"

"Take a look for yourself." Clint said, nodding over to the huddle of Avengers.

"Thor?" Peter questioned.

"What's he doing back on Earth?" MJ asked, finishing Peter's question.

"That's not all." Barton replied before pointing back over to the huddle.

"Is that?". Barton nodded, "Yep."

Peter and MJ took one look at each other before running over, the closer they got, the more they heard of the conversation. "Why did you bring him with you?" Steve asked.

"Because I couldn't have a wedding without my brother by my side." Thor smiled.

"What's to say he won't come and attack New York again?" Tony asked before Thor and Loki noticed the two younger Shield agents.

"Ah! Man of Spiders! It's good to see you again!"

Peter nodded. "Good to see you two, Thor."

Thor smiled, pointing his hammer towards MJ. "Who is this girl? Is she a lover of yours Man of Spiders?" Both Peter and MJ flushed bright red, "No, no no no." The pair said.

"We're not - He's not - She's not." Was mainly the words uttered from the pair before Peter shook his head. "Back to this. What are you doing back?"

"Why, it's I and Lady Jane's wedding."

Peter and MJ looked towards one another. "And you've been engaged, how long?"

"That of just over a year." Thor answered.

Before Peter or MJ could ask any more questions, Natasha came behind them. "We've already been here, everything will be explained later."

Steve sighed, looking around. "Tony's right. The last time he was here, he didn't exactly give the best first impression."

"Yes, but, he's learnt his lesson, haven't you Loki?" Thor asked turning to his brother.

Loki nodded slowly. "I understand entirally why you wouldn't want to see me again, but I believe we can get past the...past and look forward."

Tony rolled his eyes. "Our very own fortune cookie."

"Thor, bringing him here, it's a bad idea. People don't forget." Natasha told him.

Loki raised a hand, stepping forward. "If I may, I know I wasn't the best guest on this world when I first arrived."

"You controlled Barton's mind!" Tony pointed out. Loki nodded before continuing. "But I wish to make it right. I want you to be able to trust me once more. I will go as soon as my brother is wed, if you wish and I will never return unless needed, you have my word."

They looked between one another, before Steve and Tony looked to Peter. "What do you say?"

Peter scanned Loki over, no warning was coming to him, no sign of threat. "Let him stay."

"And I promise." Loki added, "Should I cause such havok again, Ms Romanoff will have first hand at...punching me."

Natasha crossed her arms, "I'll do more than that if you cross a line."

By the time they finally accepted Loki, they all began walking back inside the building. "If I may, who is this...Man of Spiders as my brother calls him, and this girl, if she is not his lover."

Peter relaxed his chest, sticking out his hand. "Hi, I'm Peter."

MJ just lifted a hand, "Michelle, but, my friends call me MJ."

Loki smiled and nodded, shaking Peter's hand. "It's nice to meet your aquaintance." As they shook hands, Loki pulled Peter over a little. "Where does the whole Spider thing come from?"

Peter gave a small chuckle. "I'm also Spider-Man, as well as an agent of Shield."

"And the girl?"

Peter smiled, looking over towards MJ as she hurried to the side of Natasha. "She's a fellow agent and friend, but I wouldn't cross her if I was you."

Loki nodded, letting go of his hand. "Duly noted."

Over the next few hours, Loki and Thor were shown to where they would be sleeping, and as Tony ordered pizza's for them all, a standing order he already had at a local chain, everyone began to question Thor about when he proposed to Jane.

"Just for reference, I did tell him he should have told you."

Thor smiled, looking from his brother to the team. "Yes, thankyou Loki." Thor then went on to explain when he proposed to Jane and why he didn't end up telling anyone on the team.

They'd met Jane a few times over the years. Natasha, Clint and Peter had seen her a few times at Shield working with them on something unfamiliar within Space. MJ had met her when she first joined Shield and had worked with her on 2 occations. She'd also attended some of Stark's parties when he threw them. She'd either turn up with Thor or just after since she'd have rushed to her lab to finish something before she arrived.

By the time the sun had gone down, they all began laughing throughout the night. They played a few games, and even ended up in a deep talk about family and marriage. Both Peter, MJ and Natasha managed to avoid the questions since they didn't feel like sharing their thoughts on the subject as of yet.

However, as bed time drew nearer, MJ headed to her usual bedroom that Tony had placed in the compound since Natasha had decided to keep MJ on tasks closer to the team since she could be trusted, Peter walked back into the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water when he was met with Loki.

"I must ask you, Peter, why do you not fear me?" Loki asked him, "Anyone your age would have...learnt about what I did to New York. Why do you not fear me?"

"How do you know I do?" Peter countered.

"Because I can see it within you. Everyone's soul and feelings change when placed in front of things like danger. Yours does not."

Peter smiled, washing and drying the glass he'd just drank from. "Because I've had more nightmares about failing an AP Calc test, then I have of you and your magical capabilities. Good Night, Loki."

Peter left, a small smile on his lips as he did. Loki, now stood in his Pajama's watched as the Man of Spiders left the room to head to bed. Maybe there was a chance people would forgive him, if they were like Peter that was.

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