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Sometimes you just get this...feeling. One which only comes from time to time and at that very moment, you either take your chance wait for the next time it comes knocking on the door.

It was 4 in the morning when Peter slowly opened his eyes. He was wide awake. The last time this had happened was when he was 15. He felt something whirling in his stomach, going all the way towards his heart. It wasn't like a sickness, but...euphoria? He had been fast asleep, but right now? Right now, he was sat on his bed, wide awake and finding himself wanting to do something.

But what that was? He didn't know.

He must have been sat there for 10 minutes or so when he found himself getting dressed, freshly showered and packing a small bag. Mainly with a towel, phone charger, a small book he'd been meaning to look through and a couple other things.

He grabbed his glasses from the side of his bed. Even though he had 20/20 vision due to his powers, it didn't stop his eyes from straining, especially in the morning or late at night.

He placed his leather jacket on before he left, pulling his duffel bag strap over his shoulder before writing a small note and leaving it proped up on the kitchen side.

He exited the lift on the ground floor, walking towards his car before driving towards May's.

Once he arrived, it was getting close to 5 in the morning. May must have been working her shift at the hospital since her car wasn't there. He walked round the back before opening up the garage doors, finding himself stood at the very back of a large, dusty piece of cloth that was drapped over an old pick-up.

It had been his father's before it was given to Ben when Richard was sent to Washington for insight on the mission he was meant to complete before the plane crashed. May always kept the keys to it, they were hung up behind a large old cardboard box that was filled with some old junk that they should have thrown ages ago.

Peter pulled the cover off, it's once red colour now browning whist the white had turned into a dirty cream sort of colour. Peter couldn't help but smile. He could remember the times when Ben would be out here, working on the same truck whilst May would be calling him inside telling him he should scrap the piece of junk. The same thing his mom would do with his dad.

Pulling the door open, Peter sat half way inside the car, placing his foot on the gas peddle as he entered the key in. After a very short moment, the car started and Peter smiled again. By the time he set off, locking up behind him and placing his own car inside the garage, it was close to 5:30 in the morning.

Peter must have been driving for a few hours by this point. He didn't really know how long for, but by the time he pulled up at a rest stop, his once half-full tank had now was nearly nothing. He pulled into a gas station, filling the tank up fully before running inside to pay aswell as pick up some food since he'd forgotten to have breakfast.

He drove for another 20 minutes before pulling up on the side of the road and down a small off road before coming to a stop which looked out onto the vallies below and the hills at eye-level.

Whilst he ate, he pulled out the first of two books. The Black Dhalia. A book that MJ had been basically chucking at his head since they had first known one another. That was how they became aquainted. Betty and MJ had been talking in the hall, MJ wasn't really listening to what she was saying, so evidently, Betty grabbed the top of MJ's book and threw it behind her, evidently hitting Peter in the back of the head whilst he talked to Ned about yet another Star Wars theory.

MJ came over, giving a quick apology before they got into a small conversation about the book. After that, everything was history. Slowly, they became good friends, and over the years, Peter had seemingly grown atleast a small crush on her. The entire team knew it...subconciously. Natasha knew conciously, and Tony would tease him on it, but the rest. Well, other than Wanda (who didn't really think that it was right to torture Peter even more than it already was) never really bothered. She knew, but then again, Peter was like her little brother. She'd protect both him and MJ at all costs. The other however, not so much. They were completly clueless on the matter. But Peter didn't mind that all so much.

By the time Peter set off again, he'd read the entire book. Thankfully, before this, he'd already read just over a quarter of it.

It was coming close to the sunset when he finally pulled up once more. His tank was 3/4 full and now he sat, staring down onto the beach below where multiple people ran around, playing, swinging or splashing about. That was when he looked infront of him. A cassette tape. He must have heard the songs on it a thousand times or more when he was younger, but he hadn't heard them since he was 12 or 13. Blowing on it, the dust flying away, he placed it in its recorder. Slowly it began to play.

That was when Peter pulled out the second book. The same book he'd been meaning to look through but never really found the right time.

Opening up the first page, he saw writing.

To Peter,

Enjoy xx

Looking through the pages, reading the writing beside each photo carefully, he found pictures of his parents when they were younger. He found pictures of Ben and May when they first started dating and then found pictures of his parents on their wedding day. He saw more and more pictures. The more he looked through, he found pictures of him in his parents arms when he was first born. He found pictures of his first day of pre-school and kindergarden. He found pictures of his very first graduation.

The more he looked through, slowly, the pictures turned into more recent memories. One's of him and Ned with the very first star wars lego set they built. Then, as the pages passed, he found a picture of him and Ben playing baseball out in the backgarden. Peter smiled fondly at the memory. Then he found the pictures of him and Tony when he'd been given his 'internship' certificate. Then, as he turned the next page, he spotted one photo of Ned, Betty, MJ and himself on their graduation day of highschool.

But then, on the page beside it lay writing.

Make more memories you can cherish, and have an adventure xx

May's handwriting.

Peter could always tell her handwriting. No matter what she was writing. It could never change. And she was right. He'd seen alot of places in his life, even if he was only 28. But he'd never managed to stay long enough to make a memory that was different than getting trapped between a chained gate whilst he tried to sneak into a closed off building.

Still, as he looked down at the writing, he knew something had to change. Even if it was just once a month. Just to go somewhere, or go for a drive, and make a memory. One that was worth remembering as he sat out on a poarch, watching his grandkids play on the grass and giggle to their hearts content. He needed to make memories.

He needed an adventure.

And, thankfully, one was just about to come and knock on his window...

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