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Years had passed since everyone had last seen Peter.

When he was 24, Fury had sent him on a solo mission. Should have been a simple extract mission. Should being the key word.

The moment comms went down, they waited and waited for Peter's response but it never came. What did was comms being cracked and going down. Complete radio silence.

Peter would be about 28 now. If he was still with them.

Everyone searched for him for nearly two years. After that, they just had to wait. Any sign of him. Anything. Anything at all that could prove that he was alive.

On his 27th birthday, Natasha - along with Morgan and Lila - placed his name on a small momorial that they had not too far from Shield HQ. Of course, there was a memorial in the city centre for Spider-Man, but this one was more personal. This was for the man behind the mask.

But everything was about to be revealed.


Currently, a man stood in front of a grey plaque, a name simple engraved whilst flowers were scattered around the grave along with a few burt-out candles.

This wasn't unusual, to find someone stood looking at the name of Peter Parker, but this man found it odd. His own name in front of him whilst the people he called family thought he was dead. But he couldn't blame them. After all, he left just enough evidence to let them move on and try and forget about him. At least for a little while.

He'd been here for a few days, if he was being truthful. Watching people come and go. He nearly called out when he saw Morgan. She was all grown up now. Even if it was only by four years.

The last time he'd seen her, she was eight years old. Small for her age but had the knowledge of any University scholar. Now, she was 12 and tall. Her hair was a little longer and she looked happy. As happy as she could be without her brother. But he couldn't tell her. Not yet.

Eventually, the rain began to fall causing Peter to move away from his grave and towards the city.

Meanwhile, inside a small apartment not too far from the compound, Lila Barton was making mac&cheese from the box whilst Kate picked out another movie.

"When Harry Met Sally?" Kate asked.

"I thought we watched that last weekend?" Lila called back.

"Top Gun?" Kate asked.

"Mavrick and Ice-Man? Sure."

Kate smiled with a small fist bump. "Yes."

Lila gave a small laugh, listening to her best friend fawn over Tom Cruise and Val Kilmer before hearing the timer go off to the left of her.

"Ooh, yes."

Lila slapped Kate's hand away from the hot tray of cookies. "After dinner."


Lila shook her head. "No. Besides, you'll burn yourself."

Dishing up the mac&cheese, Lila handed Kate a bowl before handing her a fork. "You're such a mom." Kate told her.

"Shut up and eat your tea."

Kate rolled her eyes a moment before leaning against the table and taking a few mouthfulls of mac&cheese, however, as the pair talked between themselves for a moment, all the lights went off.

"Oh, come on!"

Moving over to the window, Lila looked out and onto the city.

"The whole block's down." Lila told Kate. "They've probably blown a fuse somewhere."

However, before either of them could say anything else. Lila heard a small thud from her room. It couldn't have been Kate's because her's didn't have a fire escape attached to the side.


Lila placed a finger to her lips, signaling to Kate before she picked up and kitchen knife and pulled Kate around the corner. The pair waited for a few moments, waiting for the intruder to make their way into the living room and when they did, the moment the turn around, already sensing that Lila was ready to injure them, Lila threw the knife, only for them to catch it before it would have clipped the side of their face.

A small chuckled escpaed the man's lips.

Lila could see it was a man now. His build was broad and tall. Taller than her. His clothing was darker and his features were sharper but, in front of the right person, would seem softer. More relaxed.

It was at this moment when the back-up generator came on, lighting the entire room in pools of light.

Lila couldn't believe her eyes.


With a small smile, Peter lowered the knife from his face and stuck it into the wooden chopping board that lay on the edge of the small kitchen side.

"Guess I should have knocked."

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