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Finally, it was time.

Exactly 3 weeks ago, MJ asked her work 'friends' if they would join her after work for a meal. She would cook and they could have a good time.

It wasn't usually like MJ to be so...kind in inviting people round but she was in a good mood and she knew she'd be in the works she was for a while and wasn't thinking of moving anytime soon.

Plus, she got along with the people she worked with and they got along with her.

She said 6 and everyone arrived 10 minutes early, however rather than their happy and cheery faces they seemed well...upset. As if they didn't exactly want to be at MJ's and would rather be somewhere else.

MJ didn't read too much into it, hoping they would cheer up soon enough.

"So, Annie? How's Bella? You was telling me about her this morning." MJ smiled.

That morning, Annie had a proud smile on her face because she had just become and Aunt last week and MJ hadn't been in due to being ill.

"Yeah, she's good."

MJ knew something was up since Annie was so happy to tell MJ everything this morning.

"What about you John?"

"Everything's good. I love your apartment." He stated, more matter-of-factly than his usual cheery voice.


40 minutes later, MJ brought the food out since it was finally all done and everyone sat down to eat.

"Thankyou for inviting us, MJ. It looks really...nice."

Why'd she pause? Mj asked herself. She paid no attention for a while longer, hoping that maybe they'd just cheer up.

Around 5 minutes later, Annie looked over to a photo frame, spotting MJ and a man who could have been considered to be her partner.

"Who's he? I'm sure I've seen him before?" Annie questioned.

MJ turned round and saw the picture she was looking at. MJ couldn't help but smile. She always did when she saw the photo.

"Oh, yeah. That's Peter. We went to school together."

"Is he the one who came around a month ago with a boque of flowers?" Jenny smiled.

"Uh- Yeah, he was." MJ smiled.

Around a month ago, Peter had come into the school where MJ worked. She actually worked at Mid Town Tech teaching both English and Art. It was her birthday, one day which possibly no-one but the government and the people she grew up with knew about.

She smiled at the memory fondly.

She had gotten into work that morning and everything was as normal. She had gotten texts from her family; Peter, Ned and Betty included.

She had been teaching all day and at 12, she had a free period. She had been sat in the main office for most of it until Jenny suddenly came rushing in, a wide smile on her face as if a fan girl had just seen her favorite celebrity couple kiss right infront of her.

"He's here." Jenny smiled.

"Who's here?" MJ asked, keeping her eyes fixed on her paper, letting out a little laugh at Jenny's excitment.

"You know who! You're boyfriend!"

MJ stopped writing for a moment and swivlled her chair round to face Jenny. "I don't have a boyfriend."

"Then why is there a very, very, very hansome man down in recpetion getting interrogated by John and Annie since he had flowers in his hands and a card and is asking for you."

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