Escape Act

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Peter goes on his first date with MJ - They're in college.

Never in a million years did Peter think the people who he'd be running away from on a Saturday evening would be the Avengers.

Almost a week ago, Peter had asked MJ if she wanted to go on an actual date, like to the movies. And she accepted it. So, when they actually headed to the movies, the last thing they thought they would have to worry about was who was in the audience.

Peter had picked her up from her dorm and they had drove to a drive in cinema. Peter had thought about taking her to an actual movie thetre, but then it turned out, not too far away they were playing "The Black Dahlia" - the movie.

There must have been around 30 or more cars parked about the place and it was set up like the 50s - kinda.

"I know the book is probably better but -"

MJ cut him off, with a smile. "No, I like it."

Peter smiled before hopping out of the car, MJ doing the same. "You want any popcorn?"

"Sure. Do a mixture."

Peter smiled, "Okay. I'll be back in a few minutes."

Whilst Peter was stood in line, he felt the hairs on the back of his neck tingle, but as he looked round there was no visable sign of threat, so he just shook it off to be wind.

By the time he got back, he handed MJ the popcorn before hearing someone shout both of their names.

"Hey, guys. What are you doing here?" Darcy asked.

"Date night." Peter answered.

"Aww, cute." Darcy said. "To be a teen again, at the theatre and." Darcy cut her self off before she began falling into a hole of past memories which could possibly frighten the pair.

"Not to sound rude," MJ began, worried she may come off in the wrong way. "But, what are you doing here? I thought you was working in the lab tonight."

"So did I!" Darcy exclaied in joy, "But, as it turns out, I don't have to so I had Andrew ask me on a date."

"And where is Andrew, exactly?"

"Oh, he's gone getting us some soda's whilst I set up the back of his truck. Here, do you need an extra blanket? I think I may have brought too many with me." Darcy explained before handing Peter and MJ a very large, but rolled up blanket.

"Thanks." The pair smiled.

"Well, I'll see you later. Have fun." Darcy smiled, "But not too much fun."

Suddenly, someone shouted Darcy's name. They could only guess it was Andrew since she smiled and said she had to go before running over before taking the soda from his hands and taking a sip of it, before them kissing him on the cheek then directing him to the truck before the movie began.

Peter hopped up onto the front of the car, along with MJ before placing the blanket over them both.

All throughout the movie, Peter couldn't help but feel as if eyes were watching him and MJ. But, every time he looked around he'd find people either making out or watching the screen.

As he placed his arm around MJ's shoulders, his hand resting at her waist with her head on his shoulder, Peter looked around once more before looking back up at the screen.

However, just before the credits rolled, Peter spotted an odly familar van light up in the light. It wasn't directly infront of them, but rather over to the right a little.

Looking back over to the other side, he spotted another familar car. It was definitely Sam's. Just a few rows behind them was Clint's so that meant that the people in the van had to be Steve and Natasha.

"Wanda and Bucky are towards the front left corner, just infront of Sam." MJ whispered to him.

Peter looked at her confused. "I spotted them around an hour ago."


"Do you think they're following us?" MJ asked, already knowing the answer coming.

"Well, it's Saturday night and they're at a drive in movie theatre watching two people out on a date. Now those people could either be you and I, or Darcy and Andrew."

MJ looked around before getting an idea. She slowly slid down to the bottom of the car, allowing her feet to touch the ground before dipping in between cars before finally reaching Darcy and Andrew.

"Oh, hey MJ." Darcy smiled, "How'd you like the movie? It's not my cup of tea but it was good-"

"I liked it. Could you do me a favour?"

Darcy nodded. "Sure. Unless you're about to ask me to help build a fake reality, then I can't help you in that part. I don't have magical powers."

MJ gave a small laugh. "No, actually, it's something else."

Moments later, Andrew headed over to Peter handing him the keys to his truck as well as an adress where to drop it off once he was finished. "Darcy already knows your adress."

Peter nodded. "Of course she does."

As everyone began to make their way out of the drive in, Peter drove both himself and MJ in the opposite direction than where Darcy was about to drive.

If they were following them, then they'd be following Darcy and Andrew around New York and towards some abandoned building on the outskirts of town, giving Peter and MJ at least a good few hours to themselves without being followed.

"Guys, they're on the move." Clint said down comms.

"Just...wait. We don't want to make it seem like we're following them." Steve told them.

"Why do we have to follow them anyway?" Wanda asked. "They're both nearly 20, they're allowed to go out and date, without the Avengers following their every move."

"We just want to make sure they're being safe." Natasha said.

Wanda rolled her eyes. "If they ever say they're trying for children, please, I am begging you, do NOT follow them around the city and back to their apartment."

"Guys, they've made it out. Let's go." Sam told them, watching as the truck pulled out and back onto the main road.

Meanwhile, Peter and MJ had just pulled up down a small back street before coming to a small cafe. Sitting inside, MJ had a tea whilst Peter had a decafe coffee.

"Thank you, for tonight, even if we are on an escape mission." MJ smiled.

"You're welcome, but I'm glad. I know we've been technically dating for a couple of weeks now, but we've never actually had a proper first date."

"Well, at least we've got more reasons to remember it now."

"We do?" Peter asked.

"Yeah, you know, getting tracked by the Avengers." MJ pointed out.

Peter gave a small laugh. "Oh, yeah."

"How long do you think it'll take for them to realise they're following Darcy?"

Peter smiled, imagining how they'd take it. "Well, if they haven't figured it out by now then I have no idea how long."

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