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Based of a headcannon I saw on Pinterest.

Peter always found something odd about dreams. Thor once told him it was your future telling you about your life. Others told him it was his subconcious telling him who he may meet one day. Some conspiricies told him a whole load of crap about what anything could mean.

He hadn't slept much in the past few days, mainly because he didn't want to dream. Because it would always be the same dream.

He never told anyone about the dream, but he had a feeling MJ and Natasha knew something or other was keeping him up at night. They just didn't know what.

Over the last year or so, once Peter and MJ began dating, MJ grew closer to the team. Her, Natasha and Wanda, along with Pepper would often head out each Saturday or so, going finding monuments, or making memories and by the time they came back, even Peter would slowly back away, along with Steve, Bucky and Tony as the four of them would be so deep into conversation that they wouldn't even want to inturupt incase they got a knife accidently thrown at their heads...again.

"Peter, you need sleep." Tony told him once more.

Tony had watched him nearly fall flat on his face all day. He guessed that Peter had around 12 hours of sleep in the last 4 nights. Maybe even less. But he'd watched Peter yawn before shaking his entire body to keep him awake as he peered over his college work.

"I'll ---" He yawned. "I'll be fine. All I need is coffee."

Tony arched an eyebrow. "How many cups have you had today?"

"2 this morning." Peter answered truthfully.

"And what about an hour ago."

Peter stayed silent. "I'm not going to bed."

Tony gave a small grumble. "Kid, you need to go to sleep eventually."

"And I will." Peter told him. "After I've finished this."

The next day, Tony found Peter once more falling asleep, however this time he was sat at the kitchen table nearly smashing his face into his coffee cup.

By the time Peter left for class, Tony asked for Friday to send Natasha up. "I swear to god, if this is about the waffle maker again-"

"Invite MJ to stay over tonight. With Peter." Tony told her.

Natasha stopped in her tracks. "Any particular reason why?"

"Peter." Tony answered. "He's not sleeping. And MJ seems to be the only person to keep him calm. Invite her. We can make it a movie night. Plus, Morgan will be back from her science trip later tonight."

Natasha nodded. "Okay."

Morgan had been away for the week with school on a science trip. Pepper had gone with her since Pepper knew what would happen should Tony have gone...

MJ agreed to stay, once she found out Peter did know so. Which he instantly loved. They met back at the compound when they both finished their classes, where they was greeted by a small child running over to them before jumping up to Peter and hugging him so tightly, without his superstrengh, it could have crushed him.

"I've missed you too. How was it?" Peter asked her.

"Amazing! Me and Jessica, we made elephant foam and it went everywhere!"

MJ and Peter gave a small laugh. "Did it now?"

Morgan gave a large and exagerated nod. "Yes. Wait! Are you staying?" She asked, spotting MJ's bag in her hand.

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