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Alot of things has happened to Peter over the years. He'd lost his parents at age 6, then Ben at 14. Thankfully, May was still going and would be for a long time. Then he got bit by a radioactive spider, and then nearly died at the hands of The Vulture, then nearly died when Tony had actually turned up in his suit that day on the Statan Island Ferry. Then nearly got killed by the Vulture once more before being offered a place on the team of Avengers which he turned down, until the point where Steve and Natasha reconciled with Tony and were back on the team, to then find out the Spider-Kid had said no, to which they then all rallied together to get him to join as he could be a real assest to the team. So, inevitably, he joined...eventually.

Peter was still a year or so off graduation and, thanks to Tony, May no-longer had to worry about Peter and college as both Tony and Clint had convinced him to go.

Peter, once he moved in, his 'quarters' as Tony called them, were right next to Visions. Every now and then, Vision would float in through the wall, however, since Peter sensed him coming, it never really gave him that big of a shock.

Vision would usually float in every now and then to check in on him, and sometimes he'd come to ask Peter for advice on how to ask Wanda out. Wanda, once Peter joined, had become like an elder sister to Peter, so, even though he'd only been on the team for a while, they still knew each other well enough.

Peter was still slightly unsure since he didn't know why Vision was coming to him for ideas to ask Wanda out since he was basically the entire internet and all, but once asked, it seemed Vision wanted to go about it in a more...human way, than a robot way.

Eventually, Vision took Peter's advice and asked Wanda out. They'd now been dating for around 5 or 6 months.

Peter on the other hand had been single and hadn't exactly dated a girl, well...a girl who's dad hadn't tried to kill him that was. But that wasn't exactly what had effected Peter.

It was around 2 in the morning when Wanda bursted into Peter's room. She had been asleep next to Vision when he woke up, holding his head. Friday was sending him alert after alert.

"It's seems Peter is in severe distress." Vision said, ever so calmly.

Wanda was quick to stand up and rush down the hall towards Peter's room. Once she opened up the door, one that Peter usually kept locked. She rushed inside, the door closing behind her slightly. Peter was frantic. He was still asleep, but sweat was dripping down him. His muscles were tensing like no tomorrow and, just as Wanda reached him, nudging him, he shot up in a scream.

Pulling him in tightly, she held him secure. His breathing, heavy. His heart rate, of the charts. Whatever he was dreaming about, was clearly something very far from a dream. It took 20 minutes or so before Peter came back to his normal self, however still drained and half asleep.

"Vis, can you get him a glass of water, please?" Wanda asked, turning to him, however her arm still wrapped securely around Peter, whilst her other hand gripped onto Peter's hand that was still shaking.

Vision nodded, floating out of the room.

"Th - Thankyou." Peter said in a quiet voice.

"It's okay." Wanda soothed. "I'm just glad Friday alerted Vis. Peter, what did you see?"

Peter kept his eyes to the ground. "I...I saw..." Peter's mind went blank. "I...I don't know what I saw."

Before Wanda could ask any further questions, Vision floated back in, a glass of water in hand, handing it to Peter. Peter thanked him and it wasn't long before Peter told them that he'd be fine and they could go back to sleep. It took some convincing, but eventually they went back to bed.

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