Child of Dreams

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Requested by Anzyzazy - Part 2 of chapter oneshot Mayday. The theory given in this oneshot is made up but please go along with it <3 Please xx

Enjoy xx

It took around 3 months before anyone from Asgard got back to Jane for Peter.

They had gone to her the very next morning and she instantly made a note of it for him before calling Thor. Whatever was going on with Peter's dreams, it wasn't good. Only, it wasn't Thor that got back to him.

As it hit the 3 month anniversary since MJ had found out the reasons behind Peter not sleeping, a large light hit around both Peter and MJ seconds after they got the note from Jane.

Within minutes, they found themselves inside the halls of Asgard. Everything bright and golden. But, as they looked around themselves, MJ suddenly tugged on Peter's arm.


At first, Peter didn't respond, his head a little dizzy from the journey to the new world.


Turning around, Peter looked in the direction of MJ before she nodded towards the giant golden throne in front of them.

"Peter Parker, I presume?"

Peter went wide-eyed as he recognised the face. "O - King Odin?"

The elderly man nodded. "So that must make you Michelle?"

"MJ." she corrected.

"My apologies."

MJ nodded with a slight smile as he gave her the apology.

Slowly, Odin stood and walked down the steps before coming to meet the pair. Both stood in awe of him, MJ hiding it a little better than Peter. But either way, they were in awe.

"I overheard my sons, speaking of you and your dreams." Odin began. "Follow me."

Peter and MJ nodded, following him through the great halls of Asgard as he explained why he had beamed them up.

"Thor told me of what the..Lady Jane had told him. Down here." They followed him as he turned a corridor. "But, your condition. Your dreams. I never heard them of being so strong. Usually, they're small. Maybe last a few seconds and change every time they come."

Suddenly, two guards held open a grand door and Odin led them inside. In the middle of the room lay a grand table whilst along the back wall were shelves filled with spices and potions and books from the top of the ceiling to the bottom of the floor.

"My wife will be with you in a minute." Odin said. "But, I can assure you, Peter. There is nothing to worry about. Dreams...they're just dreams. They don't come true."

"And preminitions?" MJ asked, watching as Odin left the room.

Slowly, the King turned on his heel and looked back to the worried girlfriend before giving a gentle smile. "Only ever tall tales."

Odin nodded with a gracious smile before making his exit, just before Frigga entered.

"Ah, Peter, it's lovely to finally meet you." The Queen smiled as she entered. "And I'm guessing you're MJ? Thor has told me so much about you two. I was glad to hear you're finally together. As far as I heard, Thor was about to lose his bet with Loki on you two."

Frigga held back a smile as she spoke, examining the two and seeing how strong the bond truly is between them.

"They had a bet on us?" Peter asked.

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