New Family

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Requested by tessalucy

It had been, maybe, around a month since Peter had moved into the Barton household. He hadn't said much whilst he'd been there since he was still trying to get use to everything.

He'd been in 5 different orphanages from the age of 12 - now he was 14. Clint and Laura had adopted him from a small orphanage in Brooklyn. He had been in Queens for a while, until none of them wanted to take in an older child since they didn't have enough room as it was.

Clint and Laura showed him nothing but love and Cooper, Lila and Nate already treated him like a brother. Peter was around 3 months younger than Cooper, but they were both in the same year of higschool. Peter still attended Mid Town Tech since both Clint and Laura knew he'd have more opportunities to persue a sciency career afterwards.

It was around 4:30 when Cooper came running through the backdoor, rambling on about something that happened at school before Laura finally got him to speak a little slower so she could understand what he was talking about. He talked about his football game - Clint then asking if they was allowed to come to this one.

"Yes, but as long as you don't embarass me." Cooper said with a small groan. "Please."

"You know that's not going to happen." Lila said, walking past her brother to place her art things away before dinner. Cooper looked towards his dad, noticing his sly grin.

By the end of the conversation, they all accepted going and Cooper then came to a realisation. "Who's the game against?" Peter asked him.

"Erm.." Cooper quickly pulled out a piece of paper from his bag before unravelling it. "Mid Town Tech!" He said in surprise.

"I didn't know they had a football team at your school?" Clint said in surprise.

Peter shrugged. "Neither did I."

"Well, it's this Saturday so please don't be late."

They all nodded before Laura dished up dinner and they were all finally able to eat.

By the time Saturday rolled around, they all walked onto the field. They'd turned up a little early so they'd be able to watch Cooper practice. Thankfully, it was quite warm and they were able to find the better seats in the stand. Clint took Nate to the toilet since he forgot to go before they left the house.

"Would you ever think about trying out for the football team?" Laura asked Peter as they sat down.

Peter shrugged. "Not really. It's not my kind of thing - I'm better off sticking to the lab."

Laura smiled. "Are any of your friends on the team?"

Peter shook his head. "No, but Betty usually reports on the games for the school newspaper."

"She's the...blonde one, right?" Laura asked.

Peter nodded. "Yeah."

They stayed in silence for a while, watching the teams practice. Clint and Nate soon retured and sat down. Lila and Nate decided to entertain themselves by running around a small patch of the field that wasn't being used since it was beside the benches. Around 15 minutes later, Lila knocked from below the benches, causing Peter to look down.

"Can you teach us how to do a backflip?"

Peter looked up towards his parents, who gave the same confused look as he had before they all agreed. "Sure, I can teach you how to do a backflip."

Peter walked over to the banister and hopped over it, landing on the ground before walking over to his siblings. "Are you sure?"

The nodded continuously and Peter smiled, bringing them over to a patch of field where they wouldn't be in anyone's way. After a few minutes, they'd gotten the basic consept. Peter kept a hand on Lila's back and helped her kick her legs over before helping her land safely on the ground. Clint looked back, watching them before shaking slightly. "Is it just be, or does Lila remind you of Nat when she does a backflip?"

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