107th Book Report

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Based off a post I saw on Tumblr.

The last thing Bucky had expected in his life was for a 16 year old kid to be sat in front of him, asking about his life and the war, clinging onto every word he spoke and not judging him about once being a fugitive.

Peter Parker was his name. Attended Mid Town Tech and has been granted access through a program Pepper had set up years ago.

He continued to ask insightful questions for his report for History.

"If you don't mind me asking, what was it like on a day of not being at war? Like, being mainly on base and knowing people such as Agent Carter?"

Bucky smiled. "It was an odd time to say the least."

"Any stories?"

Bucky thought on it for a moment before nodded. "There was one night and it was members of the 107th including Steve and Peg and I had just learned that Steve had jumped on a grenade before he even had the serum. I didn't even have to say a word and Steve had already shuffled down the log and nearly fell off the end."

As Bucky continued his story, the teen wrote everything down. His penmanship was as neat as he could get it, clearly. But, as long as he was able to read it, there was no harm to it.

Before long, Bucky felt comfortable again. As if he was back on that base before getting sent out the next day.

"Don't tell me, he jumped on it?" Bucky asked already knowing the answer.

Peggy stopped her story and gave a slightly confused smile, "Well...yes, he did."

Bucky did nothing else but glare at Steve. The amount of times he'd warned him to not go and purposely put himself in danger was beyond him, but he never listened.

"Anyone want some more hot water?" Asked Dugan.

Everyone looked towards their cup. "I'm good."

Others answered oppositely and within five minutes, the only people left around the small fire which hey had managed to set up was, Peggy and Bucky - Steve heading off towards the toilet.

"Oh, buggar." Peggy swore under her breath as her hair once again fell in front of her face.

She'd lost her pins somewhere in the offices, meaning her hair would not stay out of her face.

"You okay?" Bucky asked.

"I'm fine it's just this bloody hair. It refuses to stay out of the way."

Bucky looked from the fire, his mind quickly casting back to his childhood. "I can braid it if you'd like?"

"You can really do that?" Peggy questioned.

Bucky nodded, "My Ma, she often worked the earlier shifts so she could be home in time for us to come home, and since my sisters couldn't do their hair on their own, I learnt."

"You have sisters?"

Bucky nodded. "2, both younger than me. They went to live with my aunt somewhere in the countryside once the war began."

Peggy smiled and Bucky stood up, before pulling up a stood behind her. Tearing off a piece of fabric from a torn blanket, Bucky used it and braided the two bottom pieces through out the plat before securing it at the bottom.

Half way through, the rest of the howling commandos and Captain America return but no one questioned it and they simply carried on their previous conversation.

"So what happened afterwards?" Peter asked him, looking back up from his notebook.

Bucky looked down towards his folded arms, one skin, one...metal. "I got sent out and then days later, well, the media will tell you the rest."

Peter dropped his shoulders, realising what was going through Bucky's mind. "Even as a kid, I thought you were cool." Peter told him.

"Sorry?" Bucky asked.

"When I was 7 we had to write a report on one of the howling commandos, and I chose you. Everyone else did mainly Captain America. I was one of the few who didn't."

Bucky felt his heart warm. He'd never heard anyone say they found him cool. They always seemed to admire Steve and see Bucky as the brainwashed assassin.

This was the first time someone...hadn't.

"Can I ask you a question?" Bucky asked, Peter nodding.

"Why are you not scared? Being in front of an assassin who could kill you in an instant isn't exactly the safest place."

Peter shrugged. "Lets just say, I have a...sixth sense about these things."

A few minutes later, Peter thanked Bucky for allowing him to interview him, shaking his hand before he left. "Goodbye, Sargent Barnes, and thank you, again."

"You're welcome." Bucky nodded.

As Bucky walked down the hall, Peter jogging off in the other direction, he met up with Steve, Peggy and Natasha. "How'd it go?" Peggy asked him.

"Good. He's a good kid." Bucky smiled. "How'd it go with your's?"

They all gave a very similar answer to Bucky. However, as Steve looked down the hall, he titled his head. Peggy looked up towards her husband. "What is it?"

"That kid?" Steve questioned, "Have we seen him before?"

"I don't think so." Peggy told him.

Steve hummed. "He goes to Mid Town, maybe you've just seen him there." Natasha offered, since around a month ago they'd gone for a small gathering to answer questions on science and also fitness.

Steve nodded, "Maybe."

As they watched Peter leave with his friends, handing back his badge, it would be a year or so until they found out where they had actually seen him and what his sixth sense actually was, but until then, they smiled. It was odd, but the kids who had interviewed them seemed to see them as...people, not the Avengers, or founders of Shield. But, people.

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