Flying High

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Morgan Takes A Fieldtrip.

Morgan was finally on her school fieldtrip. 

As much as she loved school, fieldtrips were her way of doing no school work but still learning something but in more of a fun way. 

So, today the teachers were taking them to an Airforce hanger where they would learn what it's like when you work in the air force. 

They had gotten maybe halfway around when they were all sat at lunch. 

They were all talking to one another when they could hear see a jet coming into landing. 

They all watched in awe as it sped down the runway before slowly coming to a stop.

"Isn't that Captain Marvel's jet?" One girl asked

The tour guide smiled, "Why, yes it is. Did you know that it was actually Davers jet which names the Avengers. It was her code name."

"Cool" Most of the kids said in awe.

Morgan was smiling to herself. Last time she'd seen Carol was it her birthday a couple of months ago.

20 minutes later, as they were all in a room which was showing current co-ordianates for a couple of jets which were doing test runs, the tour guide asked them all a question.

"Would anyone want to join the air force when they're older?"

Even though they were around the age of 6 and 10, they still had an idea on what they wanted to be when they grew up. 

A couple of hands shot up in the air, however when one hand shot up in the air, a snarky comment was made from behind her.

"You can't be in the airforce." A boy sneered.

The tour guide was surprised. They'd never had a kid say something like this before.

The younge girl turned around, "Why not?"

"Because you a girl! It's a boys job!"

"Captain Marvel is a girl and she's in the airforce." The girl told him.

The boy sneered, "Yes but she has superpowers. She's allowed."

Suddenly a voice came from the door causing them all to look back to a man who must have been around 24 or 25 stood in a blue shirt, his last name embroided on his right.

A pair a dark shade sunglasses rested, covering his eyes. 

He'd been stood there most of the time while they'd been in the room. 

He spoke as he took them off, so by the time they had all turned around they saw his face. 

"You know, I think anyone can be in the airforce as long as they work hard enough."

The tour guide smiled while Peter allowed his glasses to hang from his breast pocket. 

"Boys and Girls, this is Lieutenant Colonel Parker, say hello" The tour guide smiled.

The all greeted Peter with a smile and a hello or hi, Peter returning it in the same way.

"Now, what's this I hear about girls not being allowed to join the airforce?"

"Riley says I can't join the air force." The girl told Peter.

"Really? Your Riley?" 

The boy nodded.

"And what's you name?" Peter asked the girl.

"Alex." She told him.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Alex" Peter smiled as he shook her hand.

"Now, Riley. What makes you thing my friend Alex here can't join the air force when she grows up?"

The boy spoke, "Because! She's a girl. She's not strong enough to be in the air force."

"Okay. So what makes you think she can't work hard enough to build up her strengh. Why should I give you the job over her?"

"How should I know?! I'm 7!"

Peter chuckled before tuning towards Sophie, the tour guide.

"You mind if I take them for the rest of the tour?" 

She shook her head, "By all means. I've got to get to training but just call if you need my help."

"I will, don't worry."

As Sophie headed for training, Peter took over the tour group.

"Okay, we're gonna take a little detour if you don't mind. Alex, can you come to the front please"

Peter walked them all towards a training room which was currently in session.

Peter scanned his card and they all walked in. Looking round it was mostly women. 

"Having fun?" Peter asked as he looked towards a specific blonde.

"I might be" She smiled, "I see you've brought guests." 

She walked over, jumping down and giving Peter a small hug.

"We've ran into a bit of trouble. My friend Alex here has been told by someone here that she can't join the airforce because she's a girl."


"Yes, and I was hoping you might be able to give the group some insight into what the women of our team do."

Carol smiled, "I'd love to."

As Carol started explaining what they were all doing, Peter walked to the bak of the group, passing Morgan on the way, he tapped the side of his nose with a wink. 

She gave a small laugh before concentrating again.

"This is all just a hoax! They can't be in the airforce."

Carol stopped mid sentence and raised and eyebrow at the child before sending a look to Peter who nodded.

"And what makes you think that?"

"Because they're all girls! There's no boys!"

"Well it's these girls who beat the boys in our training, so they fight one another. Even Parker got beat by some of these girls."

"Really?" Riley asked as he looked towards Peter.

Peter nodded.

"Yes. Had 4 bruised ribs for 3 weeks."

"So you see Riley, it's not just men who can't join the air force. Never underestimate what a woman can do. And Alex, I hope you'll still want to be in the air force when you grow up, we could use a couple like you on the team." Carol smiled.

By the time the tour finished, Peter asked if he could keep Morgan with him since he'd be heading to the compound anyway. The politley agreed since they knew Peter because he'd picked Morgan atleast twice a week. 

Just before they left, Peter walked over to Alex and crouch down infront of her.

"If you still want to join, call this number when you turn 18."

Alex smiled as she took hold of the card, "Thankyou."

Peter picked Morgan up placing her on his back, her arms resting at his chest, as they walked back inside.

"So, was it fun?" 

Morgan smiled, "Very."

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