Seriously? New Year's?

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Being Peter's girlfriend, MJ had found it to adventure? She'd seen him get hurt and she'd been so worried that he'd die, she didn't know what to do. However, she'd also seen him do some pretty stupid things, such as jump so high onto the roof that he ended up getting a concussion for about 2 weeks, because he thought that the leaf that had brushed past his ankle was some sort of feline cat.

But this, this was new for her.

She's been with Peter almost 7 or 8 years now, and she'd been completely fine up until this point which was a kidnapping. On New Year's Eve.

She'd been walking back from the store, a few decorations in her hands which Betty had asked her to pick up on her way. Mainly just a few extra srings of bunting. But, as she was walking back, she somehow got dragged into a car after being knocked on the back of the head. No-one had been following her, or rather, she didn't think anyone had.

Still, now she was tied to a wooden chair, in the middle of what she guessed to be a wearhouse, rope tied around her, trying her to the chair, whilst she had handcuffs around her hands.

"Hello!?" She shouted out, confused as to why, not only she'd been kidnapped, but where she was and how long she'd been out for.

"Hello! Is anyone there?"

MJ huffed when she didn't get an answer. She tried tugging herself out of the ropes but it was no use. "Okay! Whoever can hear me, the...police are outside and if you let me go they said...they won't be mad?" She was confused herself to what she had said. She gave another 'huff'

"This is no use. What am I doing?" She asked herself.

Looking around her, nothing was there. "This is going to hurt." She said aloud before rocking the chair before crashing it to the ground, breaking the wood. "Handcuffs." She grumbled as she got herelf untangled from the rope.

That was when she remembed. Lifting her hands to the back of her head, she pulled out a small bobby-pin. She flicked it round to the opening was pointing towards the cuffs.

"Seriously? New Years Eve? Could be any other time of the year, but they decide now. Seven, almost eight years and none of this shit, but now they think, oh, I know, let's kidnap Parker's girlfriend, she defencless and she won't know what to do, we're clearly the smarter ones. Honestly, if they were going to atleast attempt something like this, they would have atleast thought it through. But you didn't, did you!" MJ shouted out.

"Finally." She said in relief as the handcuffs finally came off.

Placing the bobby-pin back in her hair, she looked around. There wasn't much around her, but above her was a metal bridge, clearly leading somewhere else. Pulling out her phone from inside her jacket, she placing the flash on before scanning it around her.

"Okay." She nodded slowly, placing the phone back in her pocket. The time read 11:54pm. 6 minutes away from midnight.

Looking infront of her, she managed to climb up the metal, rectangle that was holding up a section of the building. As she got to the top, the flipped herself up onto the metal bar before hopping over the bar and onto the bridge.

She tried opening the door, but it was locked so she kicked it with her foot. It swung open and she walked out.

The was a security gaurd who must have just woken up because he was shocked to see the woman they'd kidnapped standing infront of him, but with one punch the the face he was down like a sack of potatoes.

She tried to find her way out of the building, time ticking by. She had no signal or wifi on her phone so if anyone was to call or text her, it wouldn't be coming through, not until she managed to find signal.

Still, she continued to run through the building, knocking out a few guys who came to try and attack her. She got knocked down a couple of time but then managed to find something that had been broken on the floor, one such as a crowbar, clearly used to knock her out. She knocked it over a few heads, them falling to the ground.

That was when she took a left and was running past a door which she took a quick look insde. However, she retraced her steps.

"Loser?" She asked, looking inside, seeing her boyfriend sat down on a metal bench, blood down the side of his face and across his knuckled.

"MJ? MJ, oh thank god you're okay. You are okay?" Peter asked, relief prominent in his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine. What happened?"

"Well, when you didn't turn up at Betty's I got worried and then when I tried calling you you didn't pick up. I had Nat search the security cameras and when she found the licence plate on the van you was in, I followed it, but after fighting some of them, they injected me with a sedative."

"Of cource they did." MJ sighed.

Looking round she saw the keypad which would allow Peter out. She pulled out her phone before switched the flash on. She scanned it over the keypad before seeing the prints on the keys. Only 4 numbers. She looked on the sides of the key pad before seeing the numbers scored into the wall. Clearly, whoever had kidnapped her, weren't exactly that smart and memorable, appartenty.

Placing the numbers in, the door unclocked and Peter was freed. "We need to get out of here? Do you know how?" MJ asked.

"Hold on."

MJ turned back around. "What?"

However, she was met by Peter's lips on hers for a few seconds. "What was that for?" She asked, a small smile coming to her lips.

Peter smiled. "Happy New Year."

With Peter's hearing, he could still hear the New Year's countdown going on outside, allowing him to kiss MJ as everyone finished counting and started cheering.

"Come on, it's this way." Peter said, taking hold of her hand taking both himself and MJ down a small brick hallway before they was greeted with a metal door which Peter managed to push open, even though it was chained to the wall. They continued down a few more stairs before coming to another door, it's hinge already broken, clearly where Peter had entered from.

That was when some of the men outside of the building spotted them. They started firing bullets but they were that shit of a shot, they all seemed to fly into the top of the building.

Peter and MJ managed to run behind an old car. Thankfully, a black SUV pulled out, knocking over a few of the guys, Natasha in the drivers seat. "Get in!"

Peter and MJ ran towards the car, the back doors opening, revealing Bucky and Sam to be sat in the back. The doors quickly closed behind them and Natasha drove off. "What are you doing here?" Peter asked Sam and Bucky knowing that the pair would much rather be at Tony's New Year's Eve party celebrating and trying to see who got the most phone numbers of the night.

"They're here because Steve's babysitting Clint." Natasha smiled from the drivers seat.

MJ looked back at the pair. "Oh, no. What did you do?"

Peter smiled when both Bucky and Sam shared a look before looking back at her giving her a small shrugg whilst scraching the back of their necks. Just from that, MJ knew it wasn't going to be something good.

"Oh, god."

"Okay, first of all, it's likely we'll never do it again." Sam tried to say to explain himself. MJ just placed her head in her hand. "You didn't?"

Bucky gave a small nod. "We did."

MJ rolled her eyes slightly. "Oh, no."

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