Slow Dancing

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Sometimes, there are these points in life. The ones that no-one could forget. This was one of those moments. Wanda and Peter had been dating for almost three years now. Not everything had been smooth sailing since Wanda nearly got kidnapped and Peter got electrocuted whilst trying to save her - but that's a story for another time.

But, finally, they'd got a moment together.

It was creaping closer and closer to 3 am in. Peter hadn't left his lab since 5 that afternoon and hadn't looked up in the last 4 hours. Wanda headed up to bed around 8 since she had a long day, expecting Peter to be there in the next few hours. But, he never did. Still, she had a feeling she knew what he was doing.

Wanda must have started at the celing for more that half and hour before she got up, pulling the covers off her. She walked through their room before opening up the door. She walked down the hall before spotting a light. It was the only thing on.

She walked past the glass doors, watching as Peter sat at his lab desk, trying to focus on what he was making, but Wanda could see the tiredness in his eyes.

Slowly, she opened the door, causing Peter to look up. "Hey." He smiled in a quiet voice. "What are you doing up?"

"I could ask you the same thing." She smiled softly before walking over to him. She stood behind him, wrapping her arms around his neck from behind him. "You need sleep Peter."

"I know." He sighed. "I just want to get this finished."

"You can get it finished tomorrow. Right now, you need to sleep."

Peter smiled, rubbing his hand up and down her arm. "What are you even working on anyway?" He heard her ask.

"This." Peter said, handing her the blueprints.

Wanda took hold of them in her hands, looking over the drawings. "Is this?" She asked, holding back emotional tears.

"It is." Peter smiled.

"Peter, it's beautiful." Wanda smiled.

"I want to get it done before tomorrow because then it means it is the final thing that needs to go into the nursery and I can finally get a start on the books Tony and Clint gave to me." Peter told her, standing up, pulling the books over towards them both.

"Christ." Wanda breathed out, placing the blueprints down and taking a look at the amount of books Peter had been given.

"I know. I've only managd to get through the first chapter of this one." Peter told her.

"Well, technically, we have plenty of time to read before this one comes along." Wanda said, placing a hand on her stomach.

"Are you sure we're ready for this? I mean, you can make things float in the air and I can walk on the celing, it doesn't exactly scream parents, does it?"

Wanda placed her arms around Peter's neck, his hand laying at her waist. "No, but we've survived Sam and Bucky, I'm sure we can handle a little Spiderwitch."

"Spiderwitch?" Peter questioned.

Wanda tilted her head slightly. "It's an abriviation."

"I love it."

The pair shared a kiss for a few moments before letting go. "I love you." He told her.

"And I love you."

Pulling Wanda close, holding onto her hand whilst his other stayed securly at her waist, the pair swayed gently on the spot. "How do you think the team's going to take it?"

"Take what? The fact that me and you have had sex even though we've been dating for three years, or that fact that we're going to become actual parents in less than 8 months."

Peter chuckled. "Both."

The pair stayed in silence whilst they danced on the spot. Everything had been so hectic the past few months, they never thought they'd be able to get a moment like this again. But now, here they stood, dancing together and only together. They were finally having a moment they'd finally be able to remember with happiness that doesn't include getting kidnapped or electrocuted.

Finally, they were slow dancing.

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