Secrets and Safe House

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I know this couldn't happen, but please just go along with it, please x

Peter had been on the team for around 2 years now. Not much had changed other than him getting older, just like the rest of them. Although, even though living with them 24/7 meant knowing all of the bathroom scedules, there was things they didn't know about him.

Mainly because he hadn't told them, but still.

"Pete! Peter! Are you here?!" Clint shouted walking down the hall towards the lab, spotting the only lab lit up was his.

"Clint!" Peter said in shock as he left the lab, closing it behind him, the lights slowly dimming. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to ask you a favour."

Peter fixed his jacket on his shoulder. "At 9 at night?"

Clint nodded. "Yes..."

Peter sighed, lowing his hands from his collar. "Oh, no. You haven't - Have you?"

Clint quickly shook his head. "No, don't worry."

"Good. Because I'm never covering for you again when it comes to Romanoff."

Clint shook his head. "I was wondering if you would take a meeting for me, at Shield. It will only be for an hour or so, but I can't make it."

"When is it?"

"Tomorrow." Clint said, "At 1pm."

Peter shook his head. "I can't. I'm sorry."

"I thought you were free this weekend?"

Peter nodded, "I was. But something came up. Oh, crap. I'm gonna be late."

"Late for what?" Clint asked him.

"Uh...Nothing. Nothing for you to worry about. I - I'll see you later. Sorry again."

Peter swiftly left, getting out of the lift as quick as he could before anyone else stopped him. He'd promised to be there by 10 and if he waited any longer, she'd kill him.

Meanwhile, Clint went back up to the lounge, walking in to find Hill talking to the rest of the team. "You made a decition yet?" Clint asked her.

"Tomorrow night." Natasha told him. "The quicker we move in, the quicker we can find out how movement and feed came from an off the grid home in Brooklyn."

"Do we have any idea who use to live there?" Steve asked, scanning through the folders once more.

"All we know is that it was set up for an SSR agent at the time before they went off grid themselves before dying."

Natasha looked towards Hill. "Do you have confirmation of their death?"

"No." Hill replied, "But they've been gone over 70 years."

"Well, you thought I was dead for nearly 70 years." Steve said, "Just sayin'"

"Either way, we need to find out." Clint said. "We move in tomorrow and find out who or what has been living in the house for nearly 2 years or so."

So, just as Clint said, they did so. Except, there was more than just one familiar face that popped up.

It was around 8 at night, and the entire street was empty. No one had lived on this land of Brooklyn for 50 years or more. Although, as it belonged to Shield, they could never destroy it.

"Why does this place feel familar?" Steve asked, looked down the row of houses. Something seemed familar, he just couldn't put his finger on it.

"Lets just knock on and see." Natasha said, getting out of the car.

All three of them were dressed in casual clothing, weapons concealed. They watched from a house garden just across the street, except, just as they were about to move in, someone came walking down the street.

"Is that?" Clint asked.

"Peter." Natasha replied.

"What the hell is Peter doing here? And what for?" Steve asked.

"Maybe if you were silent, I could hear." Natasha said, scolding them both.

Except, as Peter pushed open the door, it finally clicked with Steve where he'd seen this house before, when he'd visited this house before.

"Peggy." Steve said aloud.

"What?" Clint asked, not following anything that had just happened.

"It's Peggy's." Steve said. "This. This is - was her home. The SSR set it up for her."

"So..." Natasha began. "What's Peter doing here?"

Without a second thought Steve walked across the street, Natasha turning back from Steve to Clint.

"What's he doing?" Clint asked, getting slightly frustrated.

"I don't know. But I want to know how Peter knows about this place. Come on."


Natasha looked back at him as she began walking. "Either you come with us, or I leave you out here on your own."

Clint took a second before replying. "You know, if I wasn't terrified of silent neighbourhoods I - I'd be telling you to stay out here."

"Sure you would." Natasha smirked.

Seconds later, Steve entered the building slowly, making sure his footsteps wouldn't be heard.

Peter was stood at the kitchen counter with his back to the door, making a sandwich or two, except Steve could see him pause before slowly reaching for the knife to cut the sandwich. Except he never cut it.

"You don't have to be worried." Steve said.

And as he did, Peter wipped around, dropping the knife. "What - What - Stev- Captain Rogers. You - You can't be here. You shouldn't be here. You need to leave, like...right now."

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me why you're here and how you know about this place." Steve told him, nothing but hurt coming from deep down as he remembered the last time he'd been here.

It had been just after Bucky had fallen from the train. Steve had come back with Peggy after the small funeral they'd held for him. Steve had only been there for 10 minutes or so before excusing himself and leaving quickly. He could feel himself breaking down inside and just needed to clear his head. Peggy had found him hours later at the crashed through bar where he told her everything.

"Steve, please." Peter begged. "You need to leave."

"Why? Peter! Why are you here!?"

Except, as Natasha and Clint walked in, all four of them heard a voice. "Peter? Is everything okay out there? I managed to find-"

Walking out from the back room, the woman stopped in her tracks. Nothing had changed about her. Steve just looked at her, feeling as if he was in some kind of weird dream.

"Steve?" She said, relief, shock and some form of happiness coming from her tone.

Steve stuttered for a moment before getting her name out. "Peggy?"

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