Secrets of the Past

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Natasha couldn't help but notice how pale Peter had been for the past few weeks.

She knew it wasn't sickness but she did know it was something. She just couldn't figure out what.

"Have you guys seen Peter? I need to ask him something?" Asked Natasha as she walked inside the lounge.

"He left about 30 minutes ago, he should be back soon though." Steve explained, before looking back down towards his book.

"Do you know where he went?" Natasha asked.

"He didn't say. You could always call him."

"No, it's okay. I'll wait until he gets back." Natasha said, sitting down.

"Why do you need him anyway?" Steve asked, now intruiged why Natasha needed to speak to Peter.

"I'm worried about him."

"He has been pale for a while now. Maybe he's just sick. Clint saw him coming out of the hospital around 2 weeks ago now but he said it was nothing." Steve explained.

"Oh, God. What if he's gotten hurt again? Oh Peter!" Natasha shouted in a fit of worry and panic.

Peter was known for never telling the team if he was hurt.

When Peter did finally get back, it was almost 6pm. Natasha had tried calling him but he hadn't answered.

"Where have you been?" Natasha asked him as he walked through the door.

"Just...out." Peter answered, hanging his jacket up.

"Where out?"

"Just out in the City. I needed some air."

"Okay. I've had enough."

Natasha's patience had been ran out since 4pm. She needed to know. Friday wouldn't say if Peter had gotten hurt whilst out on patrol and also wouldn't give up his location, even after she had changed the override codes.

Natasha grabbed Peter by the arm and pulled him down the hall and then down a small set of stairs before locking themselves in the evidence locker room where most of the files were kept.

"Nat, what are you -?" Peter tried to ask, however Natasha came back and one by one, threw multiple files onto the small table to the side of them.

"All from the hospital." Natasha stated. "You've gone in every single week but yet there is no evidence as to why. You also dissapear for hours on end and you've been very, very pale for the past couple of weeks. Now either you're worried about something or you've gone out on patrol again and hurt yourself so bad that you won't tell us. And I am telling you now Peter, if it is the second one, you're going to need a hospital within the next 30 seconds."


"Peter, I want you to tell me everything. Multiple occations have shown me, more times than needed, what happens to you when you don't tell us anything, and I don't think I'm ready to watch you nearly die again because you haven't told us about some wound you haven't-"

Peter cut her off. "MJ's pregnant!"

Natasha stopped breathing for a moment. "Mj- MJ - Our MJ is pregnant?" She questioned. Last Natasha knew, the last time MJ went out on a date was almost 6 years ago.

"Yes, she's pregnant...again." Peter seemed to say almost in...sadness.

"Again? What do you mean again?" Natasha questioned, sliding into one of the chairs beside the table.

Peter sat down opposite her, continuing on. "Almost a year ago now, MJ found out she was pregnant and we were over the moon but then 4 months down the line, something happened. The doctors couldn't explain it but somehow, we'd lost the baby. So...when she found out she was pregnant a few weeks ago...we got worried. What if the same thing happened again? What if she goes full term but then we lose it again?"

"So that's why...?"

"Yes. I'm working, I can't take my mind off it. Off her. What if something happens and I'm not here? What if we can't ever have kids? What if we're not meant to have them?"

"Peter..." Natasha said, trying to find the words to say but struggling to find them.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you or the team, but the less people know, the better. I guess it just makes it less painful." Peter explained.

"I know...I know that I can't do anything, expecially since I'm not a nurse or midwife or even a doctor, but if you need anything, even if it's just to talk. I'm here. The team is always going to be here."

Peter gave a slight smile. "I know."

They sat in silence for the next few minutes until Natasha looked towards Peter. "So you and MJ?"

Peter gave a little laugh. "Yeah. Me and MJ."

"When the hell did that happen?" Natasha asked.

"Six? Years ago now."

"And you two have hid this from us the entire time?" Natasha asked.

"It's not that hard when you know your family." Peter said, in a small laugh.

"Does May know?" Natasha asked.

"Oh, yeah." Peter told her. "That Monday morning when I went to see her, she knew as soon as I walked in. Apparently I had the same expression my dad had when he first met my mom."

Natasha smiled. She had seen a few pictures of Peter's parents not too long ago and she had to agree. Peter was the spitting image of his father but you could see his mother in him.

Natasha just hoped she'd be able to see the day he becomes a dad and is able to watch as he and MJ raise their kids together. She wasn't that shocked that MJ and Peter were dating. She was shocked, however, at how well they hid it from the team.

The team basically knew his every movements. They had to. If they lost track of him, even if he was over 25, he'd somehow come back with multiple scratches, a black eye and some weird idea which he could build and which would work but it would also make Tony and Bruce give him a brain scan every now and then.

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