Super Secret Boy Band

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For as long as the team had known Peter, they knew he hid a couple of secrets from the team. 

Most of them they had found out due to Natasha digging and digging for months on end. By the time she'd found them out, they had nothing on Peter.

That was the thing, it didn't bother him.

There was nothing to blackmail him with. 

Which, to some people was good since no organisation could use it against him, but it also meant the team had nothing on him. 

He sensed them before they even walked into the room. He had extreme balance and not once had he ever done anything or said anything that could be against the team. Even if they all knew it to be the truth.

That was why Natasha was so happy when she found out one secret of Peter's, possibly the last secret he'd ever want the team or anyone else to find out.

She had been round at May's apartment for a couple of hours, when she picked up an old baby book which consisted of multiple pictures of Peter, all of different ages. 

Peter had been in his room at the time, so Natasha quickly took hold of the photo and found everything she could possibly find of the photo and its existance. 

That was when she found out Peter had been apart of a glee club before he transered to Mid Town.

So, once she had found all the pictures she could, so she could place them into an album, she also found an old VHS tape of the entire performance. 

The first time, she watched it on her own. The next, she invited, Steve, Bucky, Tony and Sam to come and watch it with her. She had invited Clint but he couldn't make it.

It was that night when they decided they'd do everything in their power to torture Peter with it. 

One of the songs his entire group had been singing was 'Time of My Life'

(Peter is Sam but just brunette)

Along with this information, she also found out that was the true reason to why Peter would never, ever watch Dirty Dancing when it was movie night.

So, that night when she was helping cook dinner with the team she started humming along to it, holding back a very, very large smile.

Peter sat down and was reading over a few documents MJ had sent him when he heard Natasha humming.

At first he took no notice of it, not until Bucky, Sam and Steve all slowly but surely joined in. 

Peter slowly looked up and towards to Natasha when she started to sing a couple of lyrics, Peter was about to panic and run out when Natasha spoke, still stiring the pot.

"Where are you going Peter? Glee club should be over by now?" She smirked.

Peter stopped dead in his tracks and slowly turned around.

"Nat...where did you learn those words?" He asked slowly out of fear.

Natasha smiled and looked under the kitchen island pulling out a book and an old vhs tape.

"You found out!?" Peter said, slumping down onto the sofa. "How did you find out?! I thought I destroyed all evidence of that?"

Natasha smiled as she moved over towards the TV, getting ready to play the old video tape.

"Oh, I don't know. The book was just lying there when I picked it up. It seems May must have kept a few."

"That tape was deep in the schools archive, how did you- you broke in didn't you?"

Natasha smiled, as did everyone else.

They'd finally found blackmail material on Peter!

"How many people have you shown this to?" Peter asked her.

"Oh I don't know, only a couple hundred." She shrugged.


She laughed, "Relax, I only showed it to these three."

Peter practically fainted, "That's worse!"

Tony's smile widened. 

"Seems were not the only one to join a super secret boy band."

Peter rolled his eyes. "Okay. Make all your jokes now because once you have, I'm destroying that tape."

"Too late. I've already made copies." Natasha smiled as she walked over to sit down.

Peter's eyes narrowed. "I hate you."

"Oh lighten up, it's just something that we can all use against you to embarrass you." Natasha smiled.

"Did you have to take dance classes? Ooh! Did you have to kiss someone on stage?" Bucky asked teasing him.

"It's glee club, not a broadway musical." Peter stated.

"Ready?" Natasha asked everyone.

They all sat eagirly as they waited for the recording to start.

"You know, I still can't believe you found out." Peter said, his arms folded.

"Shushhhh!" The entire team shouted.

Peter had to close his eyes, he couldn't bare to watch it. 

He was just thankful this was the only tape she'd found, there was alot of tapes made of the entire club singing. They found making tapes cheaper than to make them into dvd's.

"There's others by the way." She told the team.

"Your kidding." Peter asked.

"Nope." She smiled, shaking her head.

Peter whimpered as he smashed a pillow into his face.

"Aww, look at out little twinkle toes." Sam smiled.

Peter gave another fake-ish whimper.

He was 100% sure the team would never, ever let him live it down. 

And boy was he right.

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