Secrets of the Past II

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It had been a few months ago now since Peter had come clean to Nat about MJ's pregnancy.

No-one else knew. Just Nat. She promised Peter she wouldn't tell a soul unless he wanted her too. It was too risky telling anyone else.

Peter was already worried for MJ and the baby. He didn't need to worry about what would happen to the team aswell. He didn't need to worry about what they would say. All he needed to worry about was his family.

MJ was around 8 months pregnant now, and was reaching her ninth.

Natasha came round every couple of days to check on her since Peter couldn't suddenly not turn up to the compound or else Tony would be searching the entire city like he did the last time...

That morning, when Peter headed towards the compound but he couldn't help but have a worrying feeling in the pit of his stomach, but he tried to keep it calm. MJ was with May, she'd be okay...wouldn't she?

Peter kept to himself for most of the day, only coming out of the lab every couple of hours to go and collect something he needed for what he was making.

It was getting to around 4 pm and Peter was due for a break, however just as he had packed up he got called into the lounge.

"Hey, what's up?" Peter asked, walking inside.

"Just sit down for us a sec Pete." Tony said, his voice was...different. Worried almost.

"Okay...?" Peter said, sitting down slowly.

Whatever was about to happen, he just hoped everything would be okay.

"What's?- What's going on?" Peter asked, worry rising.

"Clint just called. Everyone's okay down by the farm, but while he was coming up here he saw May."

Peter's face paled. "Is she okay?"

"We don't know. We called the hospital and someone is with her but they won't tell us what happened."

In that moment, everything seemed to fit into place. Peter shot up and headed towards the door. It wasn't May who was in the hospital. It was MJ.

"Peter where are you going?" Natasha asked as she left the lift.

"MJ's in labour."

At that very moment, the doors shut and Peter was sent down. Meanwhile, Natasha turned round and saw Steve stood by the door. He'd heard what Peter had said.

"What did he say?" Steve asked.

Natasha sighed. "Sit down. All of you. There's something you need to know."


As Peter rushed into the hospital, he avoided bumping into doctors and nurses as he made his way to the reception desk.

"Hello, how can I help you?"

"Michelle. Michelle Jones." It was all Peter could muster to say. His heart was beating out of his chest.

"May I ask who you are-" Before the woman could finish her question, the lift doors dinged open and out walked Clint.

"Clint! Where is she? Is she okay?" Peter asked.

"Everything's okay." Clint explained to Peter, trying to keep him calm. "She started having pains around half an hour ago and May brought her in after MJ kept saying she was fine."

"Where is she?" Peter asked.

"Follow me."

The pair rushed up in the lift and then down the hall. Just as Peter stepped out of the lift, he ran down the hall trying to find May. Eventually he found her and soon found MJ.

"MJ? MJ? - MJ, oh thank god." Peter said, finally spotting her.

While Peter rushed over to her, hugging her, his heart still beating 1000 miles per hour.

"Is everything okay? No-one called. I thought something had happened-"

MJ managed to calm Peter down from his freak out before he passed out.

"I'm only a couple of centimetres but the doctors want to keep me in from here just in case." MJ told him.

Eventually, everything seemed to calm. Clint and May walked inside and even though May knew everything Clint...didn't.

"I have a couple of quick questions." Clint said, raising his hand. "When did this...happen?"

Just before MJ and Peter could answer, a stampead of Avengers came running down the hall, a semi-tied Natasha just catching up after them. She had to run from the compound towards the hospital since the others had either took the bike or a car.

"I explained everything. I tried to stop them-" Natasha said, trying to catch her breath.

She could run on a mission for hours, just running from the compound to the hospital, trying to beat her teammates there was definatly a work out.

MJ gave a small smile. "It's okay Nat."

Suddenly a burst of questions came from the entire team. Whilst they kept chattering away, Peter and MJ shared a look.

This was going to be a long night...

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