Laundry Room

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Wanda and Peter are 19 and in University.


Peter was in his second year at collage/university. He was attending Empire State University since, for one it was closer to where May lived, but it was also only a 30 minute drive from the compound.

No-one really knew who Spider-Man was and Peter usually only went out patrolling when Karen sent him an alert. 

Before he started collage, he set up devices all over the city so incase of anything bad happening, Peter knew exactly where he needed to go. 

By doing this, it also helped him take more times within his studies.

It was Saturday night and Peter had to do his laundry. He lived on campus so it was easier to get to his classes and the library.

He couldn't put his laundry off any more, so he decided he'd finally do it.

"Hey, I'm going down to the washers, do you need me to take anything?" Peter asked, knocking on the door of his roommates. 

Surprisingly, Peter was actually roommates with his highschool bully. Flash apologised once they left school because he came to realise that he was taking out his frustrations on Peter when he should of been telling his parents the truth. 

Unlike Peter, Flash wasn't close to his parents. They never usually paid any attention to Flash, like his accomplishments and when he'd been accepted into collage.

"You sure you don't mind?" Flash asked, as he handed Peter a bag of laundry.

"I finished all my work, and it needs doing, and no, I don't mind."

"Okay. Thank you."

"See you later." Peter said before leaving.

5 minutes later, he walked into the large laundry room. 

Thankfully, it was empty and no washers were being used. 

Peter started sorting through his laundry, placing them into different piles, something May had taught him to do since he didn't exactly want a patched dark blue shirt that should have been white. 

It was around 11 o'clock at night, so mostly everyone was either asleep on campus or was out partying at an all night club. 

That was why Peter was shocked when a girl around his age walked in.

"Oh, sorry." She said, as she spotted Peter, "I didn't think anyone was down here, I'll just come back later."

Peter gave a small laugh, "There are more washers, you know?"

She turned around, "Oh, right, sorry."

She slowly walked over to the second table and started sorting through her own laundry.

"Sorry for inturupting your peace, you've probably come here to get away from the party crowd, right?" She asked.

Peter shrugged, "Sort of...I think. I've been avoiding doing this for the past two weeks now, I had to do it at some point. Have you?"

She nodded, placing some coloured t-shirts in a pile. "Yeah. My roommates and I don't really get along. I mean, I get along with one, but she usually goes back home for the weekends."

"So your roommates are in the party crowd?" Peter asked.

She nodded, "Yep, which means on a Saturday night, or doors are open to any kind of people, makes it hard to sleep."

"I'm surprised more people aren't down here." Peter stated.

She nodded. "You usually get a small crowd around 9 and 10, but their gone by quarter past."

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