A Special Kind of Meeting

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Pt. 2

As the weeks passed, Wanda couldn't help but glow every time she came back from school. Natasha was happy for her. It was clear the last time Wanda had smiled like this was...well, never.

Wanda was simply, happy. She no longer had to look over her shoulder every 5 minutes and she finally had friends her own age, who were also not trying to manipulate her powers to make them stronger. Speaking of her powers, she'd finally managed to control them, with Steve, Natasha's and Clint's help of course.

However, there had been one thing that Wanda couldn't control, and that was the questions being asked about this Peter character. They didn't know his last name and Wanda had Friday block all actions against everything to stop anyone from hacking into the schools system to find out who he is. It was just a precaution just in case.

Currently, Wanda had been stood at her locker for the past five minutes, sorting out her books. Suddenly, she felt two hands on her shoulders before feeling Peter's lips kiss her cheek. "Hey."

"Hey." She smiled.

"Oh, before I forget. MJ gave me this to give to you, also Ms Rosie gave me this to, also, give to you - she stopped me in the hall, something about a meeting she had to get to. Here."

Wanda smiled, taking the two items from Peter. "Thank you."

"I'm meeting Ned after school today, you wanna come?" Peter asked her. However, as Wanda opened up the note, she read over it before Peter's words eventully hit her ears.

"What? Oh, sorry, I - I can't. I've got a...dinner to go to. My aunt, she's got this...engagment party thing and my mom wants me to go with her and dad."

Peter's shoulders gave a small drop. "OKay. Well, you want to go to lunch?"

Wanda smiled, "Please." She begged. "I'm starving."

As Wanda finally shut her locked, placing the now closed again note into her her pocket, they intertwined their hands before walking through the less hassled halls towards the canteen. "Hey, what did MJ have to give you?"

"Oh, it just a book for reading. I ask her what should I read since, I've read everything else." Peter just smiled and hummed in response before the pair reached the que.

During her final class, she felt something hit the back of her head. As she turned round, she looked down to the ground and saw the empty crumpled up piece of paper before seeing where it came from.

"Wanda." Flash whispered.

"What?" She said, snapping the question slightly.

"What's up with you and Parker?"

Wanda just rolled her eyes and turned back to face the front, continuing to write. "Oh, come on. He's got to be paying you, right?"

Wanda tried her best to ignore him. "Come on, is it love? Or is it just a quick way to make some cash?"

Wanda clenched her fists, feeling her powers glow in her hands. She was more than ready to send Flash into the next century, but she knew, as soon as she did, she's be toast.

20 minutes or so later, whilst everyone was packing up either at their desk or at their locker, Wanda spotted as Flash leaned against the locker beside her's. "Come on, you can tell me? You just doing this to make a little cash?"

Wanda slammed her locker shut. "Shut it, Flash. Before you regret it." She warned. Picking up her backback, she flung it over her shoulder before walking down the hall, Flash still running after her.

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