Secrets and Truths

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Pt. 3

20 minutes later, Steve pulled up outside of Shield HQ. It wasn't long before they walked inside, waiting for the receptionist to be done before she would ask what the pair were in need for.

However, as they were doing so, just down the hall Peter had just walked around the corner with Bruce, half way through a conversation about science. "Oh, crap." Peter suddenly said, just loud enough for Bruce to hear before he began to look around him, like how a dog is confused when chasing its tail before spotting it's owner has gone missing.

"Peter -?" Bruce asked, as he was cut off by Peter shushing him, waving him over. "What are we looking at?" Bruce whispered to him.

"My girlfriend is here." Peter told him, looking towards him before looking back round the corner.

"What? Who? Wanda?" Bruce asked. Peter turned his head, and looked at him with confusion.

"You know her?"

Bruce nodded. "Well, yeah? Wait how do you - Oh, my god."

"She can't know I'm here." Peter told Dr Banner.


"Because she doesn't know I'm in training with Shield." Peter told him. "I thought she said she had to go to her aunt's engagment party?" Peter questioned. Bruce mouthed the question, "Engagment party?" to himself as Peter spoke.

"What's she doing here anyway?"

"You don't know, do you?" Bruce questioned.

"Know what?"

Bruce pulled a slightly terrified and confused face. This wasn't his secret to tell, but how could he explain to Peter that his girlfriend of nearly 7 months is infact an Avenger and is also a superhero with powers, who just happens to be the adopted daughter of Black Widow and Captain America.

"You - You should ask her yourself." Bruce suggested. "After all, she must know Sheild too since she's stood with Captain America."

"What am I going to do? I hated lying to her anyway. I told her I was meeting Ned at after school."

"I thought you was meeting Ned after school?" Bruce questioned, once again confused.

"Well...I am, but at 6. That's not after school. That's after here, but she didn't know that." Peter told him.

"Why don't you just tell her? Maybe then she'd tell you why she's here." Bruce suggested.

"Yeah, maybe?"

5 minutes later, the pair were still stood by the wall. "So, what are you going to do?"

"What am I supposed to do? I mean, my girlfriend may or may not be in works with Shield, maybe she already knows that I'm working here and she already knows I'm lying to her."

Bruce pondered his thought for a little while before asking Peter a couple of questions. "Have you met her parents yet?"


"Does anyone else know you're dating her?Besides her."

"Just, my classmates, May and you." Peter answered.

"Okay? Have you said "I love you" yet?"

Peter gave a side nod. "Kind off? I nearly told her today. I've been wanting to tell her for the past couple of weeks, but I don't know if she feels the same or not and I don't want to scare her off or hurt her."

Bruce nodded. "Okay. Well, if no one else knows, what if you just left, like, right now?"


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