Protect Her

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It was meant to be a small mission, one which they wouldn't allow him on. And now she was hurt.

MJ had been a shield agent for the last 10 years, both her and Peter had. They'd been by one another's side since they were 15. But now, because of some stupid no good reason, that was no longer possible.

Peter had swore his life to protect MJ, and her's to his. Esspecially after their small family of only them grew to three. No one on the team knew about it. Not even May at this point. He swore that he'd never let anything or anyone come in the way of him or anyone he loved, and now, they had.

"You should have let me go!" Peter shouted at Fury as they were all stood inside the meeting room.

"I couldn't let you out there with her. If something had happened to either of you- Both of you. You could have been dead."

"Well something did happen to one of us!"

Hill sighed, looking around at the pair, as did Natasha, Clint and Steve. "Parker, we did the best we-"

"No!" Peter shouted, "She did the best she could, with no back up in a raid that even Romanoff and Rogers couldn't beat! You sent her in alone, and now that you didn't send me in with her, she got hurt and now she's dead!"

"We don't have any confirmation-"

"Don't have any confirmation! How about the confirmation that this is a group of people who don't let outsiders last more than a day before killing them! That's enough information for me to know that you screwed up, and because of you, I wasn't there to protect her!"

Fury sighed, "She didn't need protection. She was a well trained agent. Regimes fall everyday."

"And she was just another regime?" Peter questioned.

"If you don't mind me asking, why are you so bothered about her? No one, not even Romanoff and Barton have been this loud in their anger if either one went missing. You know we have a policy here, Agent Parker. I hope it wasn't you that broke it."

Keeping his gaze fixed on Fury, Peter couldn't physically find the words to say to him, since they words he wanted to say would have only broke him down even more, and would have let them all in on the safe secret he, along with Michelle had been keeping.

Peter knew what Fury meant. Within Shield, there was a policy that no colluges should date since it could interupt with missions or other work. It would then be down to HR to either accept or condone the relationship that was going on.

Without another word, Peter left saying nothing else. His entire body was ready to collapse. Yes, there had been no confirmation, but still, it wouldn't take a genius to work out that the chances of his wife still being alive were slim to none.

"Sir, they've known each other since they were 14." Clint told Fury, "They've been basically attached to the hip, you know his record. He's allowed to be feeling this way-"

"I understand your cause, Barton." Fury told him, "But if we want to find information that she may still be alive then we don't need Parker's emotions getting in the way."

"If I'm being honest, Director. We might actually need that." Steve explained, "They're psycically linked, so if one of them hurts, then so does the other. If there is even a chance-"

"Then Shield will go after her. Until then, make sure Parker stays out of the field for a while."

Soon, all three left, Steve heading back towards the compound, Natasha and Clint heading towards the take-out which it was their night to collect.

For the rest of the night, no one on the team saw Peter. They all tried to get through to him, but each time it just went to voicemail. Friday had been pulling all visuals to try and find at least a trace of MJ. But, up to now, they'd found nothing.

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