To become a Parent

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The last 9 months had been...eventfull.

When MJ was around 5 months, they had a baby shower where they revealed the gender to their friends and family.

When MJ was around 20 weeks, she woke up with a pain to her stomach. At first, she thought something was happening, until she realised, the baby was kicking.

"Peter." She whispered, shaking him awake since the pair had fallen alseep in the bed together.

He shot up. "Huh? What? What's happened? Who's dead?" He asked, until he remembered where he was. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, but she's kicking." MJ smiled. Peter eyes widened before he smiled. MJ held onto his hand, pulling it over to the other side of her stomach before he felt a kick to his hand.

The pair were in awe.

Looking towards one another, they locked eyes, unable to see each other leaning in, their eyes flicking from the eyes to the lips.

Suddenly, they met.

Embracing the kiss, if felt like...two jigsaw piece fitting together? As if you'd been searching for the last piece of a 1000 piece puzzle.

Letting the kiss go, they pair stayed with their heads together, eyes closed...

Around 5 months, neither one had mentioned the kiss, but there was something unspoken. Like it was there, it had always been there, but never said.

They were going to surpise everyone with the gender, it being hosted at May's house. She moved in around 2 years ago once she married Happy. May insisted it be held there since, it would be eaiser than inside an apartment. MJ finally agreed and everyone met up there.

May had been dying to find out the gender of MJ's baby. She had already viewed MJ as a daughter when she got to know her. And, in MJ's mind, May had been the closest thing to a mother figure MJ had seen in a while.

May had been pestering Peter about the gender all day. Since he had been wearing a gree checked shirt over a grey T-shirt and dark blue jeans with his boot, May tried to figure out if it was a boy. Or if it was a girl, and Peter was just trying to throw her off.

"Or maybe be, this is what I chose to wear today because everything else is in the wash?" Peter told May, turning round to face her.

"Please, please just tell me."

"No, you can find out like everyone else." Peter smiled.

"Fine." May pouted.

Peter had to do the same thing with Tony...and Morgan...and Natasha and - well, you get the idea.

"Remind me again why you and MJ aren't dating?" Sam asked as Peter walked outside.

Peter gave a small huff. "Me and MJ. We're just friends." Peter told him.

"I know, but you say this, but when you look at one another, it's like a whole other story."

That was when Bucky joined in the conversation. "Are you sure you two haven't kiss? Not even in Highschool."

Peter stayed silent. "Can you pass me that seat cusion?" Bucky handed it to him.

That was when the penny dropped with Sam. "You have, haven't you?"

"Aren't you the one who's always telling me some things are best kept a secret?" Peter questioned.

"That's only when Tony doesn't know what I've put in his coffee." Sam told him.

"Pete, you've known this girl since you were in highschool. You are both now practically living together and you've kissed."

"I never said that." Peter inturupted.

"Well, it doesn't matter. You've known one another since you were 15. She was one of the first to figure out your identity. You practically spend every waking hour with one another and, yes, you might not be the biological father, but you are essentially become this kid's dad."

"We're just friends." Peter told him, hammering in a nail to a tree to hand up the bunting that May had bought.

Sam laughed. "Now that's some of the biggest bullshit I've ever heard. Dude, you're in love with MJ, whether you admit it or not."

Peter stayed quiet. Sam chuckled. "Ooh, look, I can see the cogs turning, ooh, he's thinking. He knows. He knows I'm right." Sam smiled.

Peter turned to look to Bucky who was stood on the other side of the chair. "You mind getting rid of him."

"Now you know what I have to deal with." Bucky told him before dragging Sam away.

"You're a little shit, you know that right?" Bucky asked him.

"Yeahh. But, you love me for it."

Peter shook his head, getting back to the task at hand. When MJ arrived, Peter knew something was up.

"Hey, is everything okay?" He whispered to her.

She shook her head. "What's happened?"

"Can we go somewhere?" MJ asked. Peter nodded, taking MJ into the living room where thankfully no-one was since they were all outside.

"What's happened?" Peter asked her again.

"She was outside my apartment."

"Who was outside your apartment?" Peter asked MJ, holding onto both of her arms in a conforting way.

"My mom. She turned up out of nowhere and now suddenly wants to be apart of my life and wants me to go and live with her and raise the baby."

Peter felt his heart drop. "But I thought-"

"So did I. I - I didn't know what to say, but I don't trust her. I don't want to go with her." MJ said, sitting down. Peter quickly knelt infront of her.

"Hey, hey, hey, look at me, you don't have to do anything. Okay? Listen to me, you have an entire family here who loves you and would do anything to protect you and this baby. Did she say anything else?"

"No. But I don't know what to do. The moment I turned 18 she chucked me out of the house saying that I've brought enough shame upon the family. And now she wants to get to know me."

Peter held onto MJ's hands. "Do you want to know her? If you had the choice to get to know her, would you take it?"

"No. And I'm not going to."

"Then what's to worry about? MJ, it's your life and from what I know, she didn't exactly make you feel...loved. Sorry to be brutal."

MJ chuckled. "You're alright, Loser."

Looking at one another once more, the pair kissed, Peter placing a hand on her cheek. Slowly, they let go of the kiss before a knock came on the door.

4 months later, MJ started in labour with her baby girl. Her mother gave her one last opportunity to go to Germany with her, but MJ told her no. She's seen enough hell in her life to know when the Devil was walking through her door.

Her mother, clearly not happy, told her that MJ was never to get into contact with her, ever. With the added, 'this is the biggest mistake of your life'. But MJ didn't care. She was finally happy, and she'd be damned sure her daughter would never have to go through the pair she went through.

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