Death of Custody

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Requested part 4.

Around 2 months had passed since Morgan's bullying.

Tony had listened to Peter and tried to re-evaluate the whole parenting situation. And for a while, it had worked. Morgan was feeling much safer, she was finally feeling loved again.

Tony had finally become the dad which he was always meant to be, with the help of Peter of course.

But not all had been rosey within the Stark Household.

After the whole bullying incident, Pepper couldn't seem to find the light within the dark shadow upon Morgan's head.

She burried herself within her work. She resented Morgan for it. She was okay with Tony, but the moment Morgan walked in, it was like she was a whole other person.

You could see the hate in her eyes.

Nothing yet had happened, but somewhere in the back of Morgan's mind she was expecting it. She knew it was coming.

Morgan seemed to spend more nights and evenings at Peter and Mj's house than her own. She was beinging to feel unsafe once more.

And she was right to feel so.

When it hit the two month anniversairy, not like anyone was counting, of Morgan's chase down. Pepper struck.

Morgan was washing up since her mom was busy with work, yet again. Her dad was still at the compound since he had gotten held up by some lab chemical explostion.

Pepper had reluctently made Morgan her dinner before turning back to her work.

However, as Morgan was trying to place the final plate ontop of the stack which lay in the cupboard, she slipped, and so did the plate.

A loud crash was made and Morgan was surrounded by shattard pieces of the plate.

"Morgan!" Pepper shouted, anger rising in her voice.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I'm sorry, I'll clean it up." Morgan said quickly as she scurried to pick up the broken pieces.

"Don't bother." Pepper spat, "You've already been useless enough!"

Morgan tried to pick up a few more pieces, however when she stood up, Pepper shouted at her once more. But something else came with Pepper's words.

A strike to the face.

As Pepper hit Morgan across the face, she seemed to forget she had one broken piece in her hand. This then caused a scar to be cut across Morgan's cheek.

It started bleeding, it wasn't deep enough to need stitches or become infected. But it still bled.

"Now get out of my sight!" Pepper screamed at her.

Morgan held onto her cheek, rushing upstairs ino her room, closing the door behind her.

She had a small ensuite in her room. It was only small, but she had a toilet and sink, and a small cabinate which also worked as a mirror.

She quickly held some tissue to her cheek, trying to stop the blood, which after a while did stop. But along with the blood, also came a red cheek and small bruising.

How was she meant to hide this from people? Should she hide it?

More strikes came to her over the following weeks. Some harsher than others.

Morgan had managed to hide it from most people, including her father. Luckily, Pepper only ever seemed to do it when they were alone, so it wasn't like anyone would or should know.

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