The Bus

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Requested by abstar101 - I am going to base it more on season one, also, Ward isn't HYRDA.

All Peter had wished for in the past few years was to have a normal fieldtrip. Each one he'd been on in the past few years, they'd all seemed to...change him? His first field-trip made him realise he wanted to do something in science, but then that lead him onto the oscorp trip where he got bit, then after that, well...he'd rather just forget everything after that.

But today, today Peter couldn't help but thank the skies about where they was going. Due to being a science school and what not, Shield had goven them permision to take a tour around the campuses and have a tour on, 'The Bus'.

Peter was glad of this since it meant absolutly NO Avengers. Most people at SHIELD ignored him anyway since, when he began to geek out on basically everything Peter considered 'cool' they couldn't handle his excitment. But there were those select few who could, and those would be the exact people they were going to visit today.

It was around 10 am when they arrived and they were both split up into two different groups so they'd be able to tour both the bus and the campus easier.

Peter had been placed in group 2 who would first be touring the bus. Betty was practically sqeeling with joy since she'd be able to finally finish her report of the people of Shield for school. MJ was still reading as she walked. Ned was snapping pictures everywhere he went and Peter...well, he could finally relax.

By the time they reached the bus, the back of it opened up and out walked a man in a grey-ish suit. "Welcome, Mid Town Tech. Thank you for joining us. For today, I'll be touring you round the bus myself, but just don't touch Lola."

"Lola?" Betty asked, raising her hand.

"My car." Coulson smiled, signaling to the very bright red chorvette beside them. Betty nodded before jotting it down.

They walked round the bus for around 20 minutes. They even stopped to say 'Hello' to Skye and Ward before Ward left.

"Agent Ward here will be teaching you some defense skills later on when you reuntie with the rest of your class." Coulson explained.

Skye gave a warm smile to Peter as he past the glass window which he returned. Since he met Skye, she'd been like a big sister to him.

By the time they got to the interrogation room, Coulson showing them how it opened up from the bottom, Peter felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned round and saw Jemma stood behind him, trying to blend in from the back.

"Hey, how's it going?" She whispered.

"It's good. I think Coulson's enjoying it."

Jemma smiled. "I'm sure he is, anyway, have fun."


The next 15 minutes consisted off Coulson explaining all about finding Captain America to Betty as she took down notes.

"And the trading cards?"

Coulson went bright red for a second. "I - I - How'd you know about that?"

"Insider information. So?" Betty asked.

Coulson looked round before spotting Peter stood with Ned, a slight smirk on his face. Coulson looked down to his feet and laughed. "Of course she did." Coulson said, realising the only way Peter could know was through Romanoff.

By the time they moved back towards the labs, they looked inside to see two people running around, trying to either build something or fix something.

"This is Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons, our best scientist and two very energetic people who, once you get talking to them, you can't stop them."

"Don't forget about being pyscially linked." They heard a voice say from coming down the spiral stairs. Skye.

Coulson smiled. "Yes, that too."

They watched them work for a few seconds before Coulson saw a worried look in Simmons's face. "Oh no." Coulson said under his breath. "Okay, lets back up, back up, back up, back up."

"What's happened?" One of the students asked.

"This happens all the time, don't worry, but, you're gonna want to back up."

As they watched FitzSimmons run around, Fitz opened up the doors. "Anyone know how to fix an unfix chemical equation that could shatter glass and explode? Anyone?"

Peter stood back for a second before hearing Jemma shout, "Fitz!"

"What the hell!" Fitz shouted looking back before going to close the doors

"Oh, crap. Hold on!" Peter shouted, having to push through his classmates to run into the lab. Fitz's face relaxed in relief. "Oh, thank god, Peter."

Peter managed to quickly slip through the doors before they closed. He ran to the back, shouting through to Fitz and Simmons. The rest of his class including Skye and Coulson watched as Peter ran back into the lab, mixing something in a beaker before pulling it up and placing it into a contraption.

Then, he mixed something else before pouring it inside. Now, whatever was inside the large container began to smoke. Peter then injected, whatever was inside the contraption, into a steel box with two letters engraved into the side. P.P

Peter then quickly placed the metal container into the box before closing the lid. The students watched as some kind of webbing secured itself around the box, spreading out until they felt to bus shake as Peter pushed his weight down ontop of the lid of the box as he seemed to bouce up. Clearly, whatever was inside had just exploded.

Everything seemed to go very silent. Fitz and Simmons looked towards one another with relief. Peter stood back up letting out the breath he'd been holding. No-one, other than Fitz, Simmons and Peter had any idea what could have happened if Peter didn't do what he did. The students could guess, but they'd never truly know since they wouldn't be the ones placed in a terrible danger of a very explosive bomb that was made for being underwater, go off.

Peter walked over, opening up the doors before picking up the now webbed boxed container and placing outside before walking back up. "What happened to it?" Fitz asked Simmons.

Peter was now walking back up into the lab, the students now standing at the side as he did. Peter picked up a couple of chemical beakers and solution to break the webbing. "Nytroglyserin is what happened." Peter told them.

The pair shared a confused look. "When did you last use this beaker?" Peter asked, holding it up.

"With the...oh crap." Fitz said, connecting the dots, realising what had happened. "Even the smallest grain could cause what was inside of that the explode." Peter told them.

Peter mixed a few more beakers together before walking back down the bus. "How'd you stop it?" Skye asked, as Peter walked past her.

"Chloroform." Peter deadpanned, looking down at the box before pouring the breaking solution ontop of it, the webbing melting away. "It suffocated it for long enough to place inside this."

Peter then pulled the box open, nothing but unharmful gas floating out of it.

"When'd you make the box?" Coulson asked.

"After 15, 20 explosions that give you a concussion, you tend to catch on." Peter said, turing back to face them all.

The rest of the students said nothing. Peter was one of them who was filled with so much information, they wasn't that surprised. They also knew about his internship since three of his classmates saw him heading into an SI building with both a badge attached to his jumper and saw him walk inside and walk past the glass windows towards the Intern section of the building. Little did they know, there was a lift at the very end that could take him right up to where he was actually going.

Jemma thanked Peter before him and his class left, both her, Fitz and Skye getting back to work.

Peter could only hope there would be only that explosion for the day, because 1 was more than enough.

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