Strangers to Friends

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The last thing that Peter thought he'd be having to help Morgan with was bullies. He thought maybe a little math homework, but that was it. Never...bullies?

Three weeks ago now, to the date, Peter found Morgan sat in Central Park, tear stained cheeks.

"Morgan? Morgan. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at school?" Peter asked the moment he realised it was her.

"School finished an hour ago." She corrected.

But something seemed off with her, and he didn't need his spidey senses to tell him that. "Has something happened?"

Morgan took in a breath. "Maybe...?"

Peter quickly sat down beside her, her now looking up and he could see it all across her face. Pain. Sadness. "What happened?"

"You mean who?" Morgan question, already knowing Peter was hoping that it wasn't about someone but rather something.


"Just...just some guys from my class." Morgan told him.

Peter imediatly got protective. "Have they touched you? Have they hurt you?"

Morgan shook her head. "No. Just...just scares and things in the halls and a smattering of other stuff."

It was a while longer before Morgan got into depth with that they'd been teasing her with and throwing at her head when they sat at the back of the class. It wasn't too long after that that she also told Peter how long it had been going on for.

"Have you told anyone else?"

Morgan gave a forced smile. "You're the first one to find out."

Peter gave a sigh. He couldn't exactly say much about the whole subject of "you should have come and told us" since, when he was in high school, he didn't really tell anyone. Mainly because he didn't see it as bullying. But, looking back on reflection, he still wondered if it could be classed as bullying, rather than picking on. But either way, it shouldn't have really happened.

"Come on, lets get some dinner." Peter said, helping her up.

"Please don't tell the team about this." Morgan begged.

" know I can't do that."

"Please, Peter. If they found out then I'd be dead. And so would everyone else. You know what they're like. If they found out, they'd freak and I'm already trying to calm the situation and those two in an equation end up like Sam and Bucky last week with your unstructed web fluid."

Peter sighed. "Okay, but if it happens again-"

Morgan nodded. "I know. I'll tell them."


A few hours later, Peter dropped Morgan off back at the compound, telling Pepper that somewhat of the truth. About how he'd found her at the library and then they went to get lunch.

However, over the next week, the bullying continued. Every time Morgan walked down the halls with her friends, the lads would jump out at her, scaring her causing her to drop her things before laughing at her and walking - or better yet, strutting away.

By the time it got to Friday, the bullying had come to the point where Morgan was getting tripped in the halls. She hated it, but since the one who was bullying her was the son of the main funder of the school. There wasn't much that could be done, even if she had told the teachers.

As she began picking up her artwork from the floor of the empty halls of the school since she had to stay behind for an extra art class, she heard a pair of footsteps, but she didn't look up too much. Not until she pair of shoes stopped in front of her before the person bent down and picked up what was left of her art work.

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