Hide and Speak

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Peter gets kidnapped but escapes, however never tells Tony until he finds out.

Peter was known for keeping secrets. It wasn't uncommon for the entire team to keep secrets. But Peter - It was more than just keeping a secret. It was a secret he should have told people, even if he didn't want to. Especially to his family.

Over the last few months, Peter had been kidnapped easily a dozen times or so. Now it became more of a game to him, like, "lets see how many times I can get kidnapped this week, maybe I'll beat my record". However, Peter added much more sarcasm.

Some kidnapper's were more hurtful than others. Some were terrified of Peter even though they had kidnapped him. More were...tourturesome? If that is even a word. They tried to be scary, but all in all it was just another day for Peter if he was being honest.

One or two of them had been more painfull, like they knew what they were doing. Peter did wonder if they were ex Hydra agents or something with the equpitment they had, but then it turned out that some idiot kidnapper of theirs just watched a bunch of action movies and reframed most of the equiptment used to torture Peter.

Sometimes, whenever Peter would go to the compound and had a black eye or a hurt wrist, or bruised and bloodied knuckles, he was able to blame it on patrol. Since, he mainly got kidnapped after all that had happened, but the kidnapping made it more painful.

The main motive of most of the kidnapping or stealing of Peter was because they wanted to know how to wire money from the Stark bank account or even Shield files over to them, but couldn't do it without the codes. Little did they know, the codes don't exist.

"How many times to I have to tell you people!" Peter shouted, getting frustrated, "There are no bloody codes!"

The man across from him smiled. "What do you say? Should we up it to 10, see how much more he can take?"

The man spoke to his acomplice besides him. By Peter's calculations, the acomplice named Dr Trive was being blackmailed or some other form of so since every time he looked towards Peter there was a look in his eye and a shake in his hand. He did wonder if the Dr was acting, but before they knew he woke up the doctor and the...leader? were talking about a Starbucks order that the Doc had gotten wrong again.

"But Sir-" The Doc began, "He's just a kid...shouldn't we maybe turn it down a little?"

"You'll turn it down when I tell you to turn it down! Now fire it up goddamn it!"

The Doc did as he was ordered to, before he watched Peter clench his jaw and his entire body at the pain. Clearly, this kid had been through enough today, why couldn't they just let him go?

Around an hour later, Peter managed to break free when neither of them were looking since they cuffs they had used were weaker than the ones used in a police station.

Peter called the cops on a stationed telephone not too far from the building letting them know what was going on. So, before Peter left without being spotted, he waited for the cops to show up and once they did, Peter swung back home.

He climbed in through his window before grabbing a first aid kit and running to the bathroom to fix himself up before May spotted him. He took a shower too, to wash all the blood and dirt from his skin and hair.

Examining himself in the mirror, he had a cut and graze by the side of his left eye. He had a small bruise growing, but he'd had worse. He had a dislocated shoulder, but managed to pop that back in. A pain, not matter how many times it happened, he would not get use to.

He had a few other scratchings, but he'd heel. Thankfully, no one would see his chest or stomach since they were covered in marks from the machine that they'd placed on him. They'd be gone within a few days, but still, if someone on the team ever found out, he'd be a dead man.

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