And you are?

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Wanda is 17, Peter is 16, Harley is 17. Peter is a semi-avenger, Clint is posing as Wanda's family allowing her to go to highschool. Harley doesn't know Wanda is an Avenger and has only really seen Peter in the halls. None of them are related. Wanda and Harley slowly fall for one another.

"Are you ready?" Clint asked, walking past Wanda's bedroom.

Wanda picked up her bag from the ground, placing on her glasses. She had already told Clint that they didn't make her look any different, but eventually, she promised him she'd wear them.

It had been around a month ago now that Clint had been given the all clear by Shield to allow Wanda to lead a normal life. One that wasn't filled with ultimate danger and death.

Clint had managed, through Peter, to get Wanda to attend Mid Town Tech. This meant, not only did she have a familiar face, but she was also safe from the majority of dangers that her job actually intailed. Clint and Laura were posing as Wanda's parents and they were her emergency contacts if anything happened.

Natasha had taken her shopping with the help of one of Peter's friends, Betty. All three of Peter's friends knew he was Spider-Man so they knew it was safe to be able to tell them about Wanda...even if they had to take multiple lie detector tests done by both Shield and Natasha.

They'd picked out multiple clothes. Some dresses, skirts, shirts, jeans, socks, shoes, etc. They also helped her pick out notebooks and folders, including Betty picking out multiple pens and pencils after looking at her timetable knowing how much teachers have their students write in each lesson.

By the time they got back, everything was ready and that was when Clint gave her the glasses.

That morning, Wanda placed her pair in a simple pony and wore just a plain t-shirt with her jeans and some trainers. She pulled her bag onto her back and left just after breakfast. Peter tried to explain everything to her on the subway and on the way to school, however, he seemed to be panicking more than she was.

The last time Wanda had a normal life was before Sokovia's bombing. She couldn't remember much since it pained her to do so. But she was happy now, she was able to make friends her age and lead what she could of a normal life. She had told Peter to calm down multiple times, but he still didn't listen.

"Are you sure? I -I mean, we can always go back to the compound if you don't feel up to it?" Peter asked, worried incase Wanda was doubting coming to school again.

Wanda smiled. "I'm sure. I'll be fine. Betty's already told me everything and no-one will know who I am when I don't have red sparks coming from my hands, so...I think I'll survive."

Peter nodded with a breath. "Okay. Cool."

By the time they walked into school, Peter lead Wanda to the front office where Rosie, the recetptionist greeted her with a warm smile before handing her everything she would need for the semester, including some catch up homework.

Wanda smiled and thanked her. "I'm guessing Peter's your tour guide for the day?" Rosie asked.

"Oh, yes." Wanda nodded, focusing her attention back on the conversation.

It wasn't long before Wanda was sat in her first class, English. Betty had instantly made her, her best friend, dragging her to the second row, allowing her to sit infront of her, meanwhile, MJ sat beside Wanda at her desk. "Don't worry. You'll get use to it."

MJ turned back to her book before the teacher walked in again. Betty smiled and talked with Wanda a while before the lesson began.

By the time it came to third period, Wanda was slightly ahead of Peter, however, as she walked inside, she took one look at the board and swung her head round, walking the other way. She was already confused enough with what Peter went on with when he was just talking to himself, she didn't need to be more confused.

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