Friends through Blood

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It had mostly been a quiet day for Peter. He'd gone out on patrol a few hours ago before stopping off at the compound to get changed back into his normal clothes before staying for dinner, Wanda serving him a plate.

A few hours later, May had text Peter telling him she had to take a few extra shifts at the hospital since they were low on staff. Peter told her it was okay and that he'd already had dinner. But, as he lay on his bed, his homework having been done and finished with an hour ago, Peter got bored.

He didn't bother changing and just hopped out of his window. He swung around the city for a while before landing on the top of semi-tall building in Queens. However, he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, just as he heard someone shout for help before a pair of wheel tired scoarched the road, driving away.

Peter swung a few allys down before looking down and spotting a bloodied teenager lay in the corner. Clearly, whoever had come to attack them was feeling bored too.

Peter sent through descriptions to Friday about the van he saw driving off into the distance, allowing both the NYPD and Shield to be alerted incase this wasn't just a one time occurance.

Peter landed onto the empty street before running round the corner. "Hello?"

Peter heard a small voice, barley hearble to someone without the added bonus of a superpower. Peter pulled out his phone, switching on the flashlight. However, the person who he saw was the last person he expected to find punched in blood.

"Jesus Christ." Peter swore under his breath before pocketing his phone and running over. "Crap."

The boy managed to open up his eyes. "P-Parker?"

Peter gave a confused look and nodded. "Yes. Come on, we need to get you out of here before you bleed out."

Helping him off the ground, Peter pulled his phone out again, calling someone he knew who was close in the area, including a few others.

"Flash! Hey, hey you've got to keep your eyes open, you hear me?" Peter said, smacking the side of Flash's face. Flash just swallowed and nodded.

A few minutes later, Peter helped Flash into his and May's apartment, resting him down on the sofa. "What the hell happened?" Peter questioned.

Before Flash could reply, 4 people burst through his front door, nearly taking it off its hinges. "Peter, what the hell happened?" Clint asked, running towards him. That was when Natasha hit his arm, "Oh, shit."

The two Avengers ran over to the boy, watching his tired eyes widen slightly as he recognised the two Avengers who were giving him instructions.

"What happened?" MJ asked him. Peter shrugged, grabbing supplies to help Flash. "I don't know. Friday's tracking the van, Ned, could you hack in to the servalance footage and find out who it is?" Ned nodded in response. "What can I do?" MJ asked.

"A little help over here!" Clint shouted over to the pair, Peter nodded to the kitchen counter, MJ grabbing the rest of the supplies before rushing over to the sofa.

"Why didn't you take him to a hospital?" MJ asked, Natasha guiding her hand to apply pressure to one of the wounds.

"Because, the with that amount of blood coming out of him, he'd be dead by the time we reached the street, never mind getting inside of the building." Peter explained.

"What was you doing out late anyway?" Natasha asked Peter.

"I got bored. Ned! Anything?" Peter shouted down towards his bedroom.

"Nothing yet!" Ned shouted back, scanning over multiple screens.

Around an hour or so later, Flash was fixed up, he'd lost some blood but not enough to need a transplant of blood. He might feel weak and dizzy for a few days, but he should be fine after a week.

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