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Requested By: xhpxmarvelx

Peter had left town around 3 days ago now and hadn't gotten back to the team so they had an idea that he must have been busy.

Peter usually stayed in contact so when he didn't contact them, they knew he was busy, but if it reached a worrying point, then they'd panic.

"Rogers! You ready yet!?" Clint shouted down the hall.

Steve continued to walk down the hall, his duffle bag in hand. "I thought I told you, it's not me you have to worry about."

As Steve walked past Clint, Clint looked further down the hall to see Sam and Bucky walking side by side, arguing once again. Mainly over who was going to be getting the most phone numbers at this Army Gala that they all had to attend.

Steve had been invited a few months ago, however, rather than just one plus one, he was asked to invite the entire team.

"Will you two please stop arguing?" Peggy asked, walking past them, heading towards her husband, kissing him on the cheek before placing her bag onto the jet.

"What? He started it." Sam said, pointing blame to Bucky.

"Hey! You started it!" Bucky protested.

This caused the pair to start another mini argument, this time over who started the bet first.

"Guys- Guys- Guys!" Steve shouted, finally making the pair stop.

"Just load onto the jet and we can finally get going." Steve sighed.

Sam arched an eyebrow, loading his things onto the jet. "I thought you said you didn't want to go."

"I know, but the quicker we get there, the quicker we can get back." Steve explained.

"Oh, come on, it won't be that bad."

Steve gave a weak smile, "Peg, I love you, but it will be bad."

Peggy gave Steve a loving kiss, causing Bucky and Sam to give a fake gag to make them stop.

"Ugh, when did that happen?" Bucky said, to himself, but loud enough for people to hear as he walked past to load his own belongings on.

Steve laughed, "When did what happen?"

"When did you become the one to have the girlfriend?"

Peggy gave a forced cough.

"Sorry." Bucky corrected, "Wife."

"Thank you." Peggy smiled.

Steve smiled, "Come on Buck, you'll find someone soon."

Sam seemed to laugh at the comment, causing everyone to look towards him. "What? He's not going to pick someone up, especially since he has a HUGE crush on Wan-"

Suddenly, Bucky leaped at Sam before he could say anymore, covering his mouth. Bucky gave a forced laugh, trying to hide his slight embarrassment. "Ignore him. He's got sunstroke, come on, lets get you some water."

Bucky practically dragged Sam away to the other end of the jet and around a slight corner.

"Okay, what the hell?" Bucky asked.

"What? It's the truth. You have a HUGE crush on her."

"Yes, but no-one is meant to know!"

Sam lowered his hands, "Okay, okay, calm down. Stop panicking, atleast they won't tell anyone."

"Tell anyone what?" Asked a voice, coming behind the pair, causing the same pair to jump in shock and surprise.

Bucky turned around to see Wanda stood, a smile on her face. The same smile that made him weak at the knees.

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