To Raise A Child

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It was mid October, and MJ was stood inside her apartment looking down towards the kitchen counter.

"How?" She asked herself before hitting her head. She knew how, but

Her phone lay next to the pregnancy test, unable to touch it. She called the father around 20 minutes ago, but he wasn't exactly the happiest about it. Infact, he told her to get out and never contact him. He didn't want anything to do with 'it'.

They'd been dating for around 3 years, and they had been happy, but something had always been missing. What it was, she didn't know, but when she took the test, part of her thought that maybe, just maybe, this could have been what was missing. But clearly, that wasn't the case.

He told her he'd sign any paper needed so that he would never have to see MJ or the child, if she decided to keep it, ever.

He told her he wanted a free life. That kids would never be in his life, in any form. He had a life to live. And it wasn't going to be with either of them.

MJ didn't know what to do. Of cource, she was going to keep the child, she couldn't bare not to. But, what was she meant - how was she meant to raise a child? On her own?

She hadn't ever realy spoken to her parents, her mom sometimes called, but that was mainly to see if she was still living. Never to ask how she was or what was going on in her life. Her parents had even told her when she got to highschool, that they never wanted to be grandparents. No matter what age MJ would be, if she was pregnant, they wouldn't want to know about it.

So...MJ was pregnant with a child, whom no-one other than herself would want to know about or care for.

Before he thoughts could drown any deeper. Her phone began to vibrate and flash. Taking a breath, she opened the call, placing the phone to her ear.

"Hello?" She asked, steadily.

"Hey, are you coming to the compound today?" Peter asked her.

Peter seemed to be the only one who would call her. Infact, thinking on it, Peter was the only one who understood MJ.

"Erm, maybe? Why?"

"Because - Hold on."

"What?" MJ asked.

"Your voice is different. Has something happened?"

"Erm, no, why?"

Peter furrowed his eyebrows. "Something's happened. MJ, what's going on?"


"MJ." Peter warned.

"Honestly, it's nothing. I'm fine."

Peter shook his head. "MJ, you're not fine. What's gone on. Nevermind, I'm coming to yours." Peter told her.

How Peter knew something was up with MJ was beyond even her. He'd done it since their junior year of highschool.

"Peter, no you don't have-"

"I'm coming." He told her. "I'll be there in 5." He told her before hanging up, clearly having jumped out of the window and would be currently swinging to her apartment.

She lived in the city, however, in more of a quiet area. MJ, when she graduated college, she became and English and Art teacher and currently taught at MTT. Ned became the Computer Science teacher for a while too, until he build his now multi-million dollar company of tech. But every now and then, he'd come back and teach a few lessons here and there when the school needed a supply teacher.

Betty went on to be one of the leading journalists at the Bugle. Peter, of course, worked for both Tony, running a few of the labs, and an Avenger. He worked for the Bugle throughout college, being a photographer. Best they'd seen in a while. They even wanted to take him on full time once he left College, but Peter had other things to worry about.

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