Back to the Beginning

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Requested by: WolfStarT07

Like every Sunday, Peter and Morgan would head to Central Park to play baseball or some other game which got them out of MJ's way for a couple of hours.

They played in the same spot every week and laughed their way through it.

Even though Morgan was only 7, she's very bright for her age.

A few months months ago, Morgan never thought she could ever be this happy...but that's a story for another time.

They'd been playing for around 3 hours by this point, not really keeping an eye on time.

The grounds were less packed, so if the ball went over the fence they wouldn't have to worry about someone getting knocked over the head with it.

"You ready?" Peter shouted to her.

Morgan brought up her bat, "Yes!"

Pitching the ball to Morgan, she gave a complete home run!

When she got back to her post, Peter had just got hold of the ball which was on the other side of the pitch.

They played for around an hour longer before walking back to the car.

Whilst they were walking back to the car, Morgan accidentally dropped her baseball, causing it to roll back down the path.

"I'll get it!" She yelled, about to run after it.

"Okay, I'll be at the car." Peter told her.

The car was within eyesight of the park, so even if Peter was putting all their stuff back into the car, he could still see Morgan.

As Morgan ran after the ball, it seemed to hit someone's foot.

She couldn't see the man's face due to a rugged cap being on his head. He bent down and picked the ball up.

"Here." The man said kindly, handing her back her baseball.

"Thank you." Morgan smiled.

Looking up towards the man, she gave a semi confused look. Had she seen him before?

He looked old, but his face was still semi recognisable. But where had she seen him?

She didn't have time to question him on it since Peter called out her name.


"Coming!" She shouted back so he could hear her.

"You better run along now, your dad will be getting worried."

"Okay...thank you for catching my ball."

The man gave a humble smile, "Anytime."

Morgan waved goodbye to the man as she ran back towards Peter.

"Everything okay?" Peter asked her.

Morgan looked behind her shoulder for a split second, "Yeah...everything's good."

Over the next few hours, Morgan's mind was on the old man in the park. She could have swore she'd seen him somewhere before, she just couldn't put her finger on it.

"Everything okay, sweetie?" MJ asked, tucking Morgan into bed.

"I think?" Morgan paused for a short lived moment. "There was a man, today at the park. When I dropped my ball, he stopped it, but when I saw his face...I think I knew him."

"What do you mean?" MJ asked.

"I mean...I think I know him, but I couldn't have, could I?"

MJ was confused. Who had she seen?

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