Undercover Costumes II

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5 o'clock came around too quickly for Peter's liking.

He had stared at his old Spider-Man suit for about 40 minutes before opting for something else. If he went out in that, with reports still trying to see if Spider-Man was out there, and with him being undercover and all, he couldn't risk it.

He'd weighed up his options for costumes.

He didn't have that many options since he had only had around an hour to come up with a costume, or rather 20 minutes, so he managed to find a costume which he could use with ease if he had to run or shoot, and he'd be able to blend in and hopefully wouldn't get too many jokes from a certain someone.

The lift doors opened and he walked out.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Danny Zuko."

Before Mia could say anything else, Peter spoke, "It was either this or a lab coat from Shield. And I'm limiting you to three jokes."

Mia pouted, "No fair."

"Very fair."

Suddenly, Alex walked from where the toilet door was, "Hey Zuko, where's the rest of your gang." He grinned.

"Ha ha, very funny. Has the agent turned up yet?" Peter asked.

"She's on her way. Apparently, you're not on your own when it comes to dressing up on this holiday. Oh! and don't forget."

"Don't forget what?" Peter asked, concerned in what Mia was coming up with.

She went to the other side of her desk and pulled out a leather jacket, T-Birds, written on the back.

"You have got to be kidding me."

Mia smiled and forced the jacket on him, "Now your look's complete."

"How did you-"

Alex smiled, wrapping his arms around his wife as she stood back, taking in Peter's 'new look'.

"I wouldn't ask if I were you. A magician never reveals her secret."

Mia smiled, "That and I called May, I had her sneak into your apartment whilst you were still in the precinct. She told me what you had in your closet and I took a guess."

"You know, if you weren't a detective, I'd be really scared on how you did that." Peter told her.

After around 5 minutes, the lift doors dinged once more, and out walked the agent who Peter had been placed with.

Mia looked over Peter's shoulder and smiled, "Look's like we've found your very own pink lady."

Peter gave a confused look as he turned around to see...



Mia gave a small, "Hu. Feeling more and more like the movie."

"When did you become a Shield agent?" Peter asked her.

Wanda looked him up and down for a split second, "Since when did you dress up for Halloween?"

"When did you?"

That was when Mia and Alex intercepted. "Well, now that we've got introductions over and done with, I think we're gonna head home, we've got a party to get to."

"My sister's, she just loves Halloween. Good luck."

The pair left leaving Peter and Wanda in the precinct.

"Guessing Nat found out-" Peter said, guesturing to her costume.

"Oh, yeah. Apparently going out in just jeans and t-shirt isn't enough."

Peter cracked a smile, "How's the team?"

"The same. Tony's currently hosting another very big and very large Halloween Party. He's even managed to get Steve and Bucky to wear their old Army uniforms."

As the pair caught up with one another, they soon headed out onto the streets of New York, heading towards where the large drug bust was going to be held.

"You know, you could have just worn a suit, you could have been 007."

Peter laughed, "How do you think that would look? Our job and then turning up as the most known English Agent there is."

Around an hour later, they'd finally found themselves close to the drug bust. They'd seen around 4 different people walk behind the curtain, all they had to do was wait for the last two and then they could go in.

As they watched on, Wanda spotted the last two walk in.

"That's our cue."

Peter lay his drink down on the table and took hold of Wanda's hand, the pair walking outside.

"Peter, where are we-"

Peter shushed her. "Someone else is here to see them."

"What do you mean?"

Whilst the pair had been dancing on the dance floor, since they had to blend in, Peter had spotted a man stood outside, wearing a gray suit, he kept pacing back and forth looking inside and he wasn't exactly doing it to protect Peter and Wanda.

"Follow me."

The pair ducked out of sight and towards the back of the apartment building.

"I use to come here when on patrol when every where else was full of people. It was the last place anyone would ever think of coming."

"Peter, this is an apartment block, and what the hell are you getting at?"

They stopped by a window.

"Look in there." Wanda sneaked a peak inside, "That doesn't seem much of an apartment does it." Peter said, Wanda turning to him causing him to give a small smile.

Around three minutes later, the pair managed to find a way inside without getting caught. They stayed low and stayed quiet, going unnoticed.

The pair watched from above, stood in the shadows.

"I feel like Fury." Wanda whispered quietly so only Peter could hear.

Peter smiled, giving a quiet chuckle.

The pair stood watching. Peter pressed a small button on a device he'd been given by Wanda when they had been walking towards the party. It was a simple signal which would alert the rest of back-up team they had stationed around the palce.

"Ladies first."

Wanda hovered her way down, coke and meth packages were piled high, even some was spread along the table.

Within seconds it turned into a very large bust up and bring down.

Peter jumped down from where he was. Their leader tried to run away but he didn't get far.

"I don't think so."

Wanda managed to trap the ex Shield agent who had been spying on them, in a spell, one she had learnt she could do when she was left in the compound, bored out of her mind since she had nothing else to do.

It was around 1 am when they finished arresting everyone and putting them away. They were locked away in a Shield facility since they wouldn't be able to get out.

"So?" Wanda asked, the pair walking out of Shield HQ into the nightsky.

"So? What?" Peter asked.

"You never seem to like Halloween, but by the smile on your face, I'd say it's been a good one."

Peter smiled, "You could say that, yeah."

After that, it wasn't the only Halloween that Peter would enjoy, especially if he and Wanda was placed on a mission each year...

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