Family Like Theirs

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Based off a post I saw on Pinterest.

It had been the early hours of the morning when Javis woke Tony up to someone stood by the front gate of his home. 

“Javis, tell them-”

But Javis continued by cutting him off. “Sir, they are being quite persistent.”

Eventually, Tony rose from his bed. Something he normally wouldn’t have done until at least 8 am when he’d then go down stairs and tinker away at something until Pepper came in to pull him out. 

Yet, something in his stomach told him that he needed to get up. Whether it was the strange woman bagging at his door at 5 in the morning or Javis telling him to go, he just didn’t know. But he went anyway. 

Finally letting her in, Jarvis turned on the lights downstairs before hearing Tony’s plea of turning them down. His eyes not getting used to the brightness. 

“Listen, ma’am. If you’re here for some charity thing, I suggest you leave since I do have a head of security who starts work in half an hour and has a thing about badges and should he not see you with one-”

Before Tony could continue however, Jarvis alerted him that she was not alone. But, as Tony got closer he realised what Jarvis meant. 

“Jarvis? Why is there a small child in my home?”

However, it wasn’t Jarvis who answered him this time, but rather the slightly petite woman holding the child who was currently bundled up in two blankets. One plain, the other hand knitted or crochet. Tony didn’t really know the difference. 

“He’s your son.”

Tony pulled a face. “Lady, I’ve never met you before and-”

“He’s not my son.” She told him. “He’s my nephew.”

“And you’re here because? What exactly?”

“To bring him to his father.” 

Tony pulled another face and stepped forward. “As far as I’m concerned, I don’t have any children.”

The woman sighed. “Around a year ago, you met a woman. Mary Parker?”

Tony’s face now dropped. No one had even dared mention her name since they had both broken up. 

“She sounds...familiar.”

“Well, nine months ago, she came to me telling me she was pregnant. It wasn’t until later that I discovered it was with your child since she told none of us she was with someone, so we figured it had been a one night stand.”

Tony was shocked at what he was hearing, but he allowed her to continue. “Mary never told us why she wouldn’t have told you, except that someone chased her out of the house the moment he found out. My other sister was going to take him in, but both she and her husband died suddenly in an accident, so that left him with me.”

“And why exactly are you bringing him here? Surely, isn’t he better off at home, with you?”

The woman laughed. “Good God, no. I wish to live my life and not be tied down with some orphan boy. So, here.”

Suddenly, the woman thrusted the boy into Tony’s arms. “Listen, Lady. If you haven’t already noticed, I’m not exactly someone who could even be trusted to babysit a kid, never mind having one. okay? So why don’t you-”

“Oh, no. The boy isn’t coming back with me. It’s either here or an orphanage. Believe me, I’m happy with both.”

Her words left Tony thinking. Mary was such a loving and wonderful woman and May - whom he’d only met once or twice on occasion was very similar. So why was this one such a heinous bitch? 

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