London, 1943

504 17 1

Years after Steve went back to Peggy, not for the life of Bucky would he have ever thought that he'd remember his chosen brother other than in memories.

Sam and Bucky had just got back from training when a security guard stopped Bucky and Sam in the hallway, nodding over their shoulder to some kid sat on a chair waiting and looking around the place with both worried and curious eyes.

"Okay? What does she want?"

The security guard shrugged. "I don't know. I asked but, she says it's confidential. I managed to take a look at that yellow file in her hands when she wasn't looking. Some therapist sent her but I don't know what for."

Sam turned to Bucky, "You want me to...?"

As Bucky looked over the guard's shoulder, he took a longer look at the girl. Tall - like him, but shorter than him. Brunette, pale, nervous - as told by the shaking leg that continued to tap on the floor as she picked at her nails.

Bucky shook his head. "No. It's okay. Mind taking this?"

Sam, taking the gym bag from Bucky nodded. "Yes. But, since you've got that going on, I will."

"Thanks, Sam." Bucky replied before finally thanking the guard who would then watch on from behind the glass of his office.

It was a few moments later, once the girl finally spotted Bucky walking towards her that she stood up. "The guard...he said you're looking for me?"

The girl, looking up and down from her feet as if making sure she was still standing, nodded her head and stuck out her hand whilst the other held the yellow file close to her chest.

"Oh, erm, yes. Yeah. I - I'm Rebecca."

Bucky gave her a gentle smile, trying to help her calm her neves. "Hi, Rebecca. I'm Bucky."

The girl nodded again. "I - I know you'll probably think I'm rude, asking this since I'm a teenager and what not, but my therapist said this would be good for me and I've kinda been putting it off and she's been pestering me about it and I thought maybe I should just do it and-"

"Whoa, hey, take a breath." Bucky told her. "You maybe wanna start again?"

Rebecca, after taking a deep breath, began again. "Could we talk? If not, then it's okay. I - I can come back some other time, or maybe never. I - Whatever you want."

Something about this girl seemed familiar to Bucky, only, he couldn't put a finger on it. All he knew was that the girl's name was Rebecca, she's maybe around 15 and that her therapist had told her to talk to him.

"We can talk, follow me."

The girl nodded. "Th - Thank you."

Quickly picking up her saddle bag, Rebecca hauled it over her shoulder before running a little to catch up with Bucky. "You want me to carry that?"

"No, it's okay. I've got it."

Bucky, holding back a little smile, shrugged his shoulders. "If you say so."

Eventually, they found their way into a smaller conference room filled with a desk that seated maybe a dozen or so people.

"Take a seat."

Rebecca nodded. "Thank you."

"So, you said you wanted to talk to me?" Bucky asked.

The girl nodded, placing the yellow file onto the table in front of her, only to hold it down with two hands as if trying to make sure it would never get away from her as well as her hands would stop shaking.

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