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They had arrived at the Avenger's compound around an hour or so ago. Mr Harrington had managed to arrange a Field Trip to said compound through a few websites which eventually lead to Pepper's own website which she had set up not long ago.

But, as they walked around, they couldn't help but feel...odd. Everytime someone walked past them, mainly interns, they would take one look at the group before scattering and leaving as quick as they possibly could.

Of course, Flash began to believe it was because of him and his father's rival company and how they felt threatened. Other students felt a little scared since these people were acting like a deer in the headlights. Mr Harrington had noticed but just thought they were a little stressed. After all, they were working on huge project after huge project.

However, 3 students at the back couldn't help but try and hold back a laugh every time it happened. Mainly because they knew why the interns were doing it and who they was afraid of.

"What are you three laughing at?" Flash asked them, in a warning tone noticing the three of them slap their hands over their mouths. Even MJ couldn't help but laugh.

"Nothing -" Ned gave a cough, getting his voice back. "Nothing."

Flash just gave a nod with a slightly raised eyebrow, but slight fear hid behind his eyes. If MJ was laughing, then God knows what's happening.

After another 20 minutes or so, they came to a level 4 lab and it wasn't long before someone came pelting down the hall. "Er - Ex...excuse me? Mr Parker?"

Peter turned around to see the level 4 scientist in the lab coat, as did the rest of his class. "I - I was wondering if we could borrow you for a second? We...well, we need your help."

Peter turned to face Mr Harrington who just seemed to freeze before nodding letting him go. Besides, Peter would only be in front of the glass that they was peering through.

MJ, Ned, Betty and the rest of the class watched as Peter walked throughout the room. Every scientist that had been working, suddenly flicked they eyes from the door, back down to their work, a small shake coming to one of the scientist hands as he passed.

They'd known Peter since he was 6 and he'd been nothing but a kind and innocent young boy, but when they watched him walk past all the scientist and interns, they couldn't help but give a laugh. If anyone came walking past, they'd think Peter was some kind of controlling school inspector, and the scientist were all the teachers scared of losing their jobs.

They watched Peter talk to them before they told him what happened, but they couldn't hear him.

" see...I....we --" One scientist began before looking towards the other. They kept looking between one another for a while, as if having a telepathic conversation about who was going to admit it.

"Would you two quit talking to one another and somebody talk to me?" Peter warned, his arms crossed. The longer he stayed inside, the longer his class could speculate and the longer it would take to fix whatever had gone wrong.

"We...we can get the data to run with the physical body and shut down."

Peter looked around him. Other scientist who had been watching as if Peter was a bomb ready to go off quickly spun round, their heartbeats racing, which Peter could hear, but he never said anything. No one knew he had the powers to do so. They just believed he was working for Shield as both a scientist and a trainee agent, which, technically he was. As well as training with Natasha on the side.

Peter spotted what he was looking for before finally walking over to whatever invention they were making.

"Mr - A - Agent Parker -- I - I," One of the scientist said, watching him pull apart the physical body. But Peter just looked up and shot them a look which caused them to shut up and step back a little.

Peter continued before finding a data strip that he was looking for. Pulling it from the invention, everyone around him whinced. Peter placed it under a small light before grabbing an extra strip. They had no idea what he was looking for but 5 minutes later, he replaced the data strip with one of his own, a mixture of both.

He placed each piece back together before flicking it on and connecting it to a large machine. Within seconds, Friday brought up a green light and everything was good to go.

"All done." Peter said before walking back.

"How -- What..." The scientist were left speechless. "How did you know?"

"It was simple. A machine's base function works with the same material, no matter what it's built for. You change that? Nothing will work for it. See you Monday."

Peter quickly left and closed the door behind him, however as he looked towards his class, his feet stopped before he did, causing him to tilt forward slightly.

"Is...Is everything okay?" Peter asked, as 30 pairs of eyes all landed on him at once.

Mr Harrington swollowed. "No - No, nothing's wrong. Good - Good job, Peter."

Peter caught up to MJ and Ned along with Betty as the class began to move once again. "Are you sure everything is okay?" Peter asked MJ silently.

She gave a small laugh. "I think you've just scared the crap out of the entire class, including Flash."

Betty smiled. "I just can't wait to see the look on his face when he finds out how well you can fight."

"He won't." Peter told her.

"Really? Because I just got a text from Friday." Ned said, holding up his phone. "Natasha's running the class and, well, you're helping her."

Peter took the phone from Ned. "I'm what?"

As Peter read over the message, he couldn't help but feel himself got a little pale. If Natasha was running a class, it definitely wasn't going to be your average defence class...

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