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Peter is 16/17. The Avengers have been tasked in finding out who Spider-Man is and what he wants to do. He's never met the team personally and they captured him around a week ago.

Steve rolled his eyes once more. He'd been told by Fury an hour ago that he had to go and interrogate their new found, Spider-Man.

Steve hated it. They all did. The fact that this kid had powers made it worse than if he didn't. You'd think the mighiest hero's wouldn't be scared to death of a teenager, would you?

As he walked inside, he looked up slightly before keeping his eyes on the clipboard and file in front of him. He heard shuffling, signaling that the kid was now sat up, rather than lay down.

Natasha and Tony followed in after him before they closed the door.

"We're just going to start off with some routine questions." Steve told him before finally finding the guts to look the kid in the eyes. "What's your name?"

The kid rolled his eyes. "Jiminy Cricket."

Natasha stood with her arms folded. "You're real name."

"What's to say that isn't my real name?" The kid smirked, slightly before giving a small fake gasp. "Oh, I feel so hurt."

Tony was already annoyed with the kid as it was, this just pushed him further. "Drop the attitude and sass, alright? It won't get you out any quicker."

The kid sucked in a breath. "Actually, I know for a fact that's not true. You're little Shield buddies are getting bored of heading out to random attacks in the city."

The trio looked between one another and the kid explained. "I can hear the majority of what's going on in this building, plus you are all really loud. For top secret agents, aren't you meant to be silent so no-one hears you?"

Steve huffed. "How'd you get your powers?"

The kid gave a tilt of the head. "Ooh, Cap, you already know how this goes. You ask me questions and I don't answer them, so why don't we cut to the chase and you let me go, sound good?"

Natasha watched the kid - she'd watched his every move for the past week. From the tests they'd managed to do on him when he was unconcious after they finally captured him, they knew some of his strenghts. They didn't know his name, but they knew he was from Queens. They didn't know what school he attended or what year he was in. They guessed Senior, but they couldn't be sure.

They'd tried to find a member of his family, but then, he just sent a letter rather than take a call and told them to leave it on some bookshelf in the library. They'd tried to see who took it, but of course, when someone was arranging the shelf, by the time they moved away, the white envelope was still there. It wasn't until the next day, when the on call agent woke up, still finding the envelope there, walked over and viewed it.

However, as he looked at it, the handwriting was the same, but as he felt it, there was nothing inside the envelope and it hadn't been opened. It had been switched and now they had no idea who had switched it since they don't know when it was switched.

Natasha quickly pulled Tony and Steve back outside and towards the lift. "Romanoff, where are we going?" Tony asked her.

She said nothing and pulled them towards Fury's office. She barged in and finally let go of the pair. "I have an idea."

After 20 minutes, Fury agreed and allowed her to do as she pleased.

"Nat, are you sure this is going to work?" Steve asked her.

Natasha nodded her head. "I'm certain of it. What do people fear worse than death?"

Steve and Tony looked towards one another and shrugged, unsure of the answer. "Torture?"

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