Cabins and Tests

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It had been just yesterday when Clint had found the positive pregnancy test in the trash can outside.

He'd been taking out the trash from the bathroom and threw it into the large can outside, except when he lifted the bin from the top, something lay, facing down at him. When he picked it up and turned it over, it turned out someone within the cabin was in fact pregnant.

He still hadn't found out who it was, but he knew it wasn't Laura. It couldn't be. She always knew she was pregnant before she'd take a test, and even then, she'd tell Clint that she was, so she'd ruled her out straight away. So that just left 4. Natasha, Wanda, Maria and Peggy.

Clint watched over all four of them through out the day, spotting to see if any of them did anything that could suggest they were pregnant. Peggy was the first. She seemed to keep whispering to Steve, as if trying to solve a conversation. Maybe they were talking about how she was pregnant?

Clint burst into the kitchen whilst Peggy and Steve were alone.

"What do you want now, Barton?" Steve asked.

"Oh, nothing." Clint answered. "Just come to ask if I get to be Godfather?"

Steve and Peggy looked towards one another, before looking back at the arrowhead. "What?"

Clint pulled out the pregnancy test. "I found this in the trash outside. Came from the bathroom originally. So -"

Peggy took it in her hands. "Oh, my god! Someone's pregnant? Someone we know is pregnant? Are you sure this is new?"

Clint nodded. "Yep. I cleaned out the trash before everyone got here. So, if it's not you that just leaves-"

"Nat, Wanda, Maria and Laura."

"Oh, no, Laura's not pregnant." Clint answered.

Peggy nodded. "So, three then."

"Can I ask though? Why did you think it was Peg?"

Clint shrugged. "You two have been secretive for the past couple of weeks and seemed to always be talking about something."

Peggy nodded. "That's fair enough."

"So what was you talking about?"

Peggy handed the test back. "Not telling. Now, how are you going to figure this one out?"

Clint sighed. "Well, I know Tasha' can't get pregnant. So that just leaves Maria and Wanda."

"What about me?" Wanda asked as she entered the kitchen.

Clint turned round and showed her the test. "Are you pregnant?"

"What? No." Wanda answered. "Oh, my god. Is Laura pregnant?" Wanda asked.

Clint shook his head. "No."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I am very sure. Why do people keep thinking that?" Clint questioned.

"But Sam and Maria have only been together for a couple of weeks." Peggy answered. "That's not long enough for pregnancy symptoms to begin to show."

Wanda and Clint looked at one another before looking back at Peggy. "What?"

"How do you know this?" Wanda asked.

Peggy shrugged. "I"

Wanda furrowed her eyebrows before gasping. "Oh, my god. Are you guys trying? Oh, yay! I get to be an aunt!"

"Will you...shush." Peggy warned. "No one else knows."

"Except for Nat and Bruce."

Peggy turned to her husband. "How does Nat know?"

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