Secret Marriage and Dates

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Requested by horseylover7788 Natasha and Steve are married and they adopt Wanda. Takes place after AOU and Wanda is 16.

It had been an odd time to say the least over the last years. First, they had an attack on New York by an adopted brother, then, when a wedding was about to happen, Ultron decided to become and army of robots and well, this lead to Steve and Natasha adopting a daughter.

When they returned to New York, Shield couldn't place her in an orphanage since she was still getting use to her powers. However, they couldn't exactly keep her since her powers were much stronger than what anyone could expect.

Thankfully, that was when Natasha gained an idea whilst her and Steve were sat in a local cafe, having been just at the court house around 20 minutes ago, having gotten married in private.

"What if we adopted her?"

Steve looked up from his food, wiping his hands. "Who? Wanda?"

Natasha nodded. "Yeah. I mean, I know I can't have kids and we did talk about maybe adopting one day -"

Steve gave a smile, taking hold of her hand. "I think it's perfect."

From then on, the rest was history. Around 2 months later, Fury managed to get the papers sorted. Wanda was a little weary at first since she didn't really understand why they'd want to adopt her, especially since she caused them both to have their worst fears/memories realised. But, eventually she came round to the idea.

With Pietro gone, she had no family. No one to look after, no one to look after her. She needed a family, and Steve and Natasha were her best option.

Afterwards, the team then found out about Steve and Natasha tying the knot since Tony asked who's last name is she going to take, Romanoff or Rogers - Natasha asking why would Wanda take Romanoff. It took a few tries but eventually it clicked with them that their two friends had gotten married.

6 months later, Tony held a "small" engagement party for the pair before telling them, or rather, Clint telling them that they were going to have a second wedding in 2 days time, so that they could actually watch the pair get married.

However, whilst Clint and Wanda were drawing up the table cards, Clint asked her something she wasn't expecting.

"Are you not bringing someone to the wedding?" Clint asked her.

Wanda paused for a second before shaking her head. "No."

"Not even a friend?" Clint asked her.

Wanda gave a slight smile. "I don't think it would be their kind of thing. They also don't know that my parents are Black Widow and Captain America. I'd rather just keep that to myself for a while."

Clint nodded, "How is school going anyway?"

Wanda had began attending a local school in New York, not too far from the compound, a few weeks ago. No one knew who she was, as in Avengers terms. Natasha had began teaching her ways of hiding her accent and it didn't take long for her to pick it up.

Her accent only seemed to come out on a few words and phrases, but that was about it.

"It's going okay. It's nice to be around kids my own age without having to worry that an army of robots are about to lift the entire city off the ground."

Clint gave a chuckle. "Have you made any new friends whilst you've been there?"

"A few. But I hate having to lie to them. And I think Peter's on to me. It's like he knows that I have superpowers."

Clint raised an eyebrow. "Peter? Who's Peter?"

Wanda felt a small blush raise to her face, however she kept her head down as she continued to stack the name placements and place them in the correct bags. "He's no one. Just a friend."

"Just a friend, eh?"

"Stop!" Wanda said, holding back a laugh.

Clint placed his hands up, "I didn't say anything."

Around 3 months later, as Wanda was sat at her desk finishing off her science homework Natasha leant against her door panel.

"Anything you wanna tell me?" Natasha questioned, causing her daughter to look up at her before giving a smile.

"I'm just finishing off homework." Wanda told her before sqiviling back round to try and determin the solution for the equation that was needing to be balanced.

"Sooo, there's nothing you want to tell me? Not even about a certain...boy?"

Wanda shot a look to her as she spun her chair to look at her. Natasha smiled as she sat down on the edge of Wanda's bed. "So, who is he? Do we know him?"

Wanda gave a sigh. "Did Clint tell you?"

Natasha shook her head. "He didn't have to."

"Does dad know?" Wanda questioned. Natasha shook her head, "Not yet."

Wanda turned back to her homework. "So, do we know him?"

"No." Wanda answered.

"Really? Is he a friend of yours?"

Wanda didn't answer, but rather tried to concentrate on her homework. "How did you find out anyway?"

"I have my resources." Natasha answered, standing and lifting herself from Wanda's bed before standing behind her daughter. "Don't worry, I won't ask too many questions."

"But you're still going to ask them." Wanda mumbled under her breath. Natasha smiled, leaning down. "Yes, I am."

Natasha quickly kissed her daughter's cheek before walking back towards the door. "Dinner'll be ready in 10."

"Okay." Wanda answered, "Just quickly though, how did you find out?"

Natasha looked back through the door, her hand on its frame. "Call it mother's intuition."

Natasha then walked down the hall, but not before giving her daughter a quick smile. Even a blind man could notice the smile that Wanda had had for the last 4/5 months or so. And it wouldn't be long before they'd come to meet the same boy who always seemed to place that one smile on Wanda's face, even without him realising...

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